32- True villains?

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Kaminari pov~

The LOV were... weird to say in the least, and currently I was running from Toga who somehow managed to nearly strangle me to death with a corset. I zapped her and sped off, chucking the corset in her face as she started to give chase. 

While yes I was well aware that I should be terrified, I couldn't keep the grin from my face as i ran a loop around the bar, Dabis board eyes tracking me slowly. 

"Denki!!!! I wanna play!" Toga screeched, hands menacingly clutched around the dreaded corset. In this I had somehow managed to get myself backed into a corner, so I turned around and put my hand up in the air, only just managing to hold back to mischievous glint in my eyes,

"Alright you've got me." I tilted my head and watched as Toga giggled and closed in, believing that I'd given up.

But oh boy.

It was far from that.

The second she touched me I jumped, flipping upside down in the air so I quickly patted her on the head before landed and performing a no handed backflip to get even further away. 

Toga dropped the corset in shock and a wide smile bloomed across her face, "Ekkkkk!" She squealed, bringing her hands under her chin and bouncing up and down, "Your an acrobat! Did you see Dabi!" The vampire girl turned her attention to the sad villain, who honestly looked like he wanted to burn something at the same time as looking somewhat impressed and amused,

"I saw." Was all he said before taking a deep sip of his drink and smacking it down on the bar, earning a glare from Kirogiri and a small tsk from Shigaraki. However my quick look over to them was my down fall.

I felt someones hand on my shoulder and my heart dropped, the sudden fear on my face must have been evident as Dabi suddenly stood up, about to say something before Toga interrupted,

"Wow!" She marveled, spinning me around, "your heart rate just rose but nearly double!" I merely stared at her, not saying anything, and suddenly very aware that my back was now to everyone else in the room,

"Wow, it just increased ag-" Togas voice began to fade, as did the rest of the room.

Memories came rushing back without me asking and before I knew it, I was back there.


I was looking through the old photo albums, trying to find a picture with all of us and mother in it. Of course I was failing miserably, but I was struggling to remember her face some days. 

Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder and a sharp jolt of pain coursed through me. I cried out and dropped the album, crawling backwards to get away from my father. 

He had used his quirk on me.

And it hurt.

A lot.

His quirk was called touch static, basically whenever he touched someone he could either manipulate the natural electricity and electrons in a persons body to relieve or create pain. He had chosen not to become a pro for two reasons, one because he didn't get accepted and two because he wanted to use his quirk in the medical field and follow in his mothers footsteps.

And he had just used his quirk on me, to inflict pain.

"Dad that hurts!" I cried, looking up into his hard eyes, eyes that forever changed after my quirk manifested,

"Oh yeah? Well it should!" He shouted, causing me to bring my arms in front of my face, accidentally letting off small sparks as the fear made me lose control of my new and dangerous quirk. I froze the second I realized my mistake, and my father paused before speaking with ice cold venom,

"Don't you ever use that fucking quirk of yours. Am. I. Understood?" He spoke with a deadly sort of quiet. When I didn't respond immediately, he grabbed me by the hair, yanking my head up before chucking me against the wall, "YOUR THE REASON THEY'RE DEAD YOU BRAT!" He screamed and kicked me in the stomach, using his quirk to make me double up in pain.

That night I received one of the worst beatings of my life.

And the blood was still on the damn album, not that i know where it is any more.

End of flashback~

"-nari! -minari! Kaminari!" A voice jolted me out of my thoughts and the room took shape around me. I was suddenly aware of the pain in my hands and neck, meaning I had probably used my quirk on myself. 

Kneeling in front of me was Dabi, his eyes were wide with concern and he had his hands around me wrists, holding them up and away from my head.

I stared at him and tears began forming in my eyes, Dabi saw this and quickly wrapped me into a hug. I blankly stared with wide eyes at whatever was in front of me, not really comprehending what it was, and I opened my mouth to talk but all that came out was a muffled sob,

"Shhhh. Its ok, your safe here." Dabi soothed, only making more tears run down my face as I buried my head into his shirt,

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry!" i cried.

Because for some reason, even with all that is good in this world.

There is darkness around every corner.

And it seemed that I'd never be free from it. 

The truth of it all- Denki Kaminari AngstWhere stories live. Discover now