A special day

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"Beomie~ It's time to wake up." Taehyun said in Beomgyu's ear.

"Noo, too earlyy." He whined.

"Early my ass. You got school. Get upp!" Taehyun shook his boyfriend until he say up.

"Fine!" Beomgyu huffs.

"Cute~~" Taehyun smiles, squishing his cheeks.

"You just wanted me angry, didn't you?" He pouts.

"Why yes I did." Taehyun hums. He kisses Beomgyu's nose and helps Beomgyu up.

"It's a special day today." Beomgyu said, moving towards the bathroom.

"Oh! What day is today?"

"I'll tell you after school." Beomgyu said with a yawn, picking up his toothbrush. "Then we can have fun together."

"Okayy! I love fun." He sits on the sink and watched Beomgyu brush his teeth.

Once ready, Beomgyu left the room and met up with the others to go to school. Taehyun was forced to stay home.

"Hm, I wonder what special day it is today.." Taehyun frowned, staring up at the ceiling. He never knows the date. But if he did, he'd know what's special about today.

He decided that today it is going to be Taehyun's hunt for what the special occasion is!

Now motivated to find out, he decided to fly around looking at billboards or anything that shows the date. Calendars aren't really helpful and he's also too dumb to look at the date on phones so he never tried those.

He ended up finding a shop with a giant sign that was in digital form, showing the exact date and time counting up.

"March 13th.. what's this day again? OH! BEOMGYU'S BIRTHDAY!" Taehyun audibly gasped once figuring it out. "And he was gonna tell me this after school? Hell no, I need to do something special for him!"

And it must be perfect. He had a good 10 hours before Beomgyu finishes school. That was enough time to set up Beomgyu's entire room with decorations!

Because he wants this part of his birthday to be all about Beomgyu and he doesn't want to share it with anyone else.

Plus the other's probably planned something already so it's just gonna be something on the side.

But to him, it's the main part of the special day.

He first went around stealing decorations and other stuff from stores, none of it being caught since he is a ghost and decorations can become invisible with his magical ghost powers.

Then he took all of that and decorated Beomgyu's room. He made sure everything he did was also easy to clean up. He wasn't gonna let Beomgyu clean up, but knowing him, he'd at least wanna help a little.

Taehyun smiles widely, now finished with his decorating. He stood at the door just admiring his work. Beomgyu and the others could be heard from the garage. It was time.

Beomgyu turned his door handle and opened the door, gasping at the sight he sees when he opens it.

"Beomgyu! Surprise!" Taehyun exclaimed with a smile, cutely jumping up from behind Beomgyu's bed with his arms wide open.

Beomgyu gasped as he looked around the place.

There was a blue glowing banner that said Happy Birthday with Beomgyu's name under it. Transparent bubble garlands were hanging above Beomgyu's ceiling. Gold streamers were stuck to all of Beomgyu's walls. The entire floor was covered in fluffy white carpet now. Where the window is, there was a light pink metallic tinsel curtain that shined from the sunlight. But what Beomgyu thought was the best, was Taehyun and his ribbon holding up his apple hair.

"Aww~ Taehyun did you do this for me?" Beomgyu asked, completely touched. "How did you know it is my birthday?"

"Uh- I totally knew from the start." Taehyun lies. "Anyways, do you like?" He shyly asked.

Beomgyu nods excitedly and jumped on his bed to get to Taehyun. They are now hugging. "I love it so much Taehyun. Thank youu."

"Hehe, you're welcome. I tried my best."

Beomgyu pulls Taehyun into a kiss. They stood in front of the pretty pink tinsel kissing. That would be a pretty romantic sight.

They finished their kissing session and decided to just look into each other's eyes lovingly. That is until someone knocked on the door cutting the romance out and getting their attention.

"Who is it?" Beomgyu called out.

"Beomgyu, it's Beomhan. The others and I are taking you out for your birthday." His brother said, opening the door. "Nice room, Taehyun did it?"

"Yes, I did." Taehyun answered.

"Where we going?" Beomgyu asked.

"Mm, it's a small café you'd like. Fits your aesthetic perfectly."

"Oh? Then I'm definitely in! Gonna go change real quick. Taehyun, come come." Beomgyu then went to his closet.

"Ew." Beomhan said before leaving the room. "No need to have your boyfriend watch you change."

Taehyun rolled his eyes. "As if he doesn't do that with Jay."

"I know right." Beomgyu scoffed. "Soo, what should I wear?" He asked, his entire mood changing from annoyed to excited.

"I think you should wear your favorite aesthetic to match the café's aesthetic!" Taehyun gleams.

"But I don't think we actually know what the aesthetic is." Beomgyu stated.

"Hmm, I still say wear it. It's your birthday, wear something your style."

"Then, fluffy brown it is." Beomgyu giggles, picking out a white t-shirt and black jeans from his drawers. "Turn around."

"So I don't get to look?"

"I- no!" Beomgyu laughs, watching as Taehyun turned away with a pout.

He quickly put his clothes on. Finishing the look off, he took a fluffy brown knitted sweater cardigan thingy off the hanger in the closet.

"Can I turn around now?" Taehyun asked.

"Don't pretend you haven't been staring from the monitor's reflection." Beomgyu states.

"Damn." Taehyun turns to face Beomgyu. "You look cute."

"I know." Beomgyu flicks his slightly longer hair at his face. "Fluffy like a bear."

"My baby bear." Taehyun hums. They leave the closet and head out to the living area.

"Oh Beom! Not Han but Gyu. You look perfect for where we're going!" Yeonjun clapped his hands excitedly.

"Huening Kai's here too." Beomgyu points out. "When did you get here?"

"I came right after I changed out of my sweaty school clothes!" Huening explained. "So now I'm all comfy after that nicee shower~"

"To much info. Anyways, we're gonna be going to a café called the bear cave." Soobin said.

"Eh?" Beomgyu looked at his brother confused. "Bear cave?"

"Yeah. You don't think we're going to see real bears, are you?" Beomhan laughs.

"Well- no- but how'd you know my aesthetic is bears?"

"We all know you, Gyu." Jay starts. "You even look like a cute and cuddly bear right now."

"Exactly why this is the perfect spot for your birthday." Taehyun smiles. "Why are you guys still standing here? GET A MOVE ON IT ALREADY!" He shouts, making everyone rush out of the house and to the garage.

Straight to the bear cave they go!

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