A normal date

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"This is the sound! Is the sound! Nehnenene.." Beomgyu mumbled the last bit, not knowing the full lyrics.

Taehyun and Beomgyu were in the kitchen making food to bring on their ghost date.

"I don't really understand the meaning of having dates when we literally have one every single day!"

"Dates are more like you asking me to go out or I'm asking you? Stuff that isn't like us staying home everyday or hanging out randomly. Should be moree, romantic."

"I still don't get it." Beomgyu's face went blank.

"Heh, well whoever thought of dates were smart enough to let me bring you on one." Taehyun winks.

Beomgyu rolls his eyes. "Says you." He grabs a few containers in the cupboard. "Spaghetti in here?"

"Yep! The spaghetti is almost finished."

"The pot be bubbling." Beomgyu hovers over the pot.

"Careful, it can splash in your face." Taehyun blocks Beomgyu from going any closer. "It's my specialty spaghetti recipe."

"That all rhymed!" He giggles, clapping his hands.

"Absolutely! I told you, I'm the one who created it!" Taehyun proudly stood tall.

"Then I can't wait to try it."

The two finish up their lil edible creations they made and packed them all in the containers that looked like they were enough to bring. Beomgyu also put them all in a picnic basket he and his family only used once on their first and last picnic they had together.

"I also can't wait for you to see my creations!" Beomgyu said, now sitting on the ledge of the railing, obviously in ghost form. "But are we really going to bring a floating basket with us?"

"Watch this." Taehyun does some handwork and suddenly the basket was two. "Here, this is our lil ghost basket. This we can give for Soobin and Yeonjun to go on their date!"

"Eh? They're having a date too?" Beomgyu questioned, confused.

"Nah, we'll just make them go on one since they just got together but aren't doing anything like we are. They're boring." Taehyun stuck out his tongue, directing it towards where Soobin and Yeonjun are hanging out at. Which is Soobin's room.

"Ew. Ok, let's go!"

Taehyun placed the regular picnic basket in front of Soobin's room and knocking it before going back to the love of his life, wrapping an arm around his waist, and jumping off the railing to fly away, around the world.

"Where shall we go?" Beomgyu asks, looking around the areas that were empty.

"I have a special spot, with a fountain, that we can go to."

"You have a ton of special places." Beomgyu chuckles.

"Yep! And here I am sharing them with you." Taehyun gives Beomgyu a loving kiss on the cheek.

Beomgyu smiled while looking up at him. He just wouldn't stop staring as today Taehyun had looked extra fluffy. It was very cute. He always is cute, just today he was extra cute.

Beomgyu was just the same. But he always looks stunning so Taehyun could never complain. He loves him.

"Oh! There it is!" Taehyun said, flying closer to the fountain that could be seen miles away. "I haven't been here ever since I died." He said. "I used to come here everyday."

"ExcUse me? This place is so far away from our house!" Beomgyu states.

"Mhm! I used to drive here everyday with my friends that I met after I left Daegu." Taehyun explains.

"What about the gas money?!"

"Pfft- don't worry about that, honey." Taehyun laughs. "The last time I wanted to come here with my friend, I died in my bathroom." He said with a chuckle.

"Yikes. Imagine the look on your friend's face when they saw you."

"Nah, I don't think he saw me. Remember my body was missing when I woke up as a ghost?"

"But.. that wouldn't make sense then? Wasn't your friend with you before you died?" Beomgyu questions.

"Hm. True, he was."


"You're not implying that, he was the one who killed me.. are you?" Taehyun raised a brow. "That's impossible. He wasn't the type of person to do that."

"Anything is possible." Beomgyu shrugs. "Do you remember anything that could tell you or show you that your friend wanting to kill you??"

"No..? I don't remember much about them to be honest. There weren't really memorable times with them."

"Oof. Back to the beginning. How are we ever gonna find your body??"

"I have no idea."

Beomgyu sighs. "By the way, this place smells bad. No offense."

"I can't smell anything. Oh well, I guess we can go somewhere else." Taehyun held on to Beomgyu's waist again.

And off they flew to a new location.

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