Egg tarts

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The five boys were in the car with Soobin driving, Yeonjun in passenger seat, Beomgyu and Huening Kai in the back, and Taehyun on top of Beomgyu because he a ghost so no one can see that. Well, besides Kai who's definitely judging them. But then again he isn't gonna complain that much.

The concept they have is cute. A ghost in love with a human boy that can see him. Two against the whole wide world. A love that is just like Kai's real parents.

"Oh! Oh! When we get there, can we get like a wholeeee bunch of egg tarts? I love those sooooo much!!"

"Huening, how much is a whole bunch?"

"Mm.. like.. how much money do you have?"

"Well my parents are millionaires.. so.."

"THEN I WANT A HUNDRED!" Huening Kai smiled widely. Imagine eating a hundred egg tarts. That's heaven for both Huening and the author.

(Like literally, egg tarts are so good how can someone dislike them 😩)

Beomgyu shook his head with a quiet chuckle, adoring the younger for loving his egg tarts so much.

Taehyun also chuckles, feeling the adoration towards the younger as well. It is impossible not to.

"Ok guys, we're almost there." Soobin said. The boys all looked out the window with sparkly eyes when they pulled up to the exciting street full of food they could strongly smell even with the windows closed.

"It smells amazing!" Yeonjun states, stretching his arms up right after he got out of the car.

"Mm~ the smell is even better out here!" Beomgyu took a huge sniff of the air.

Huening Kai gasped, spotting a kissing booth not so far away. "GUYS!! THERES A KISSING BOOTH?!!" He screams. The other's ears died in the process, so they didn't exactly hear what he said.

Beomgyu shrugs and grabs Huening Kai's arm. "Let's go over there." He sighed, dragging him towards a korean corndog stall. Taehyun trailed behind them from above.

"Wow. Just wow. They're just gonna leave us here? Damn. Why did I come here for then?"

"Aish. Come on." Soobin took Yeonjun's grumpy self towards one of the other stalls, opposite of the other three. "So, what do you want to eat?"

"Uhm, I don't know? I was only here to mooch off of Beomgyu's daddy money." Yeonjun shrugs.

"We have our own money for a reason. Mr. Choi literally pays us a thousand a day for staying at their house to take care of Beomgyu."


"It's already been 4 months with them. If my calculations are correct, that's 31 days multiplied by 4 is like.. 124 and that multiplied by a thousand is 124,400."

"What the actual fuck." Yeonjun stared at him blankly.

"What? I'm proving a point here. Other than that, math sucks." Soobin huffs, turning and walking away.

Yeonjun laughs a little and follows the taller, catching up to walk beside him. "Sorry, sorry. I get it."

"Of course you do!" Soobin huffs once more. His cheeks puffed out as he pretends to be angry, looking away from Yeonjun.

Yeonjun smiled, thinking it was cute. Without thinking much, he poked Soobin's cheek.

The other shied away at the action, smiling sheepishly and looking the opposite direction.

They made eye contact for quite a bit when Soobin came to look at Yeonjun. Then, they heard a cough from behind.

They embarrassingly turned away from each other and moved up from the now empty front part of the line.

"So sorry, we were kinda distracted.." Soobin explained to the owner of the food stall.

The lady only shook her head with a smile. "It's alright. What can I get you lovebirds?"

"Ah- we aren't-"

"We'd like two of these please." Yeonjun said, pointing to the menu.

"Alrighty then! Two Dakkochi sticks. Will that be all?"

"Yeah, that's all. Thank you."

"Alrighty then. Stand over there and wait for your skewers to be ready for you."

The two giants soon got their Chicken skewers from a man. They ate them as they walked around, talking to one another and looking through other food stalls, being big foodies they are.

Meanwhile with the younger three, Beomgyu was in the middle of watching Kai eat a bunch of egg tarts they found at an indoor food stall. Felt like a dessert restaurant though.

"I am so blessed." Huening Kai said with teary eyes. He smiled emotionally every time he took a bite of each egg tart.

Beomgyu had his own dessert as well. A simple cheese cake with cocoa powder and a single strawberry on top. When no one is looking, he'd share it with Taehyun.

"You must be enjoying that a lot." Taehyun said to Huening.

"Enjoying this? Of course.. this is heaven.." he squealed with happiness.

Beomgyu laughs. "Seems like it."

In the end, Huening Kai couldn't finish anymore since he was starting to get sick of them. They bought a lot though, so there's a few leftovers to bring home.

"Remember that kissing booth I saw earlier?" Huening Kai said, gaining Beomgyu and Taehyun's attention.

"Yeah, I did. Did you want to kiss someone?" Beomgyu asked.

"No, no! Not me! Soobin and Yeonjun." He smugly looks.

"Ooohhohh! You see the tension too, I see~" Taehyun said with a smirk.

The three evily laughs as they walk on over to the older two of the bunch.

"Hey guys! We wanna try out the kissing booth. Coming with?" Beomgyu asked.

"Ah, no it's alright. We still wanna try-" he was then cut off for the second time today.

"You do? Ok! Let's go!" Hueningkai then runs while dragging Soobin off towards the kissing booth.

Yeonjun looks at the two in confusion before looking at Beomgyu.

Without a word, Beomgyu did the same, grabbing Yeonjun and walking to the kissing booth.

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