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Hours later, Beomgyu awoke from his nap. His eyes widened to see Taehyun lying next to him, watching him sleep with a smile.

"WHAA!!!" Beomgyu screamed, sitting up quickly and jumped off his bed.

"Aish- too loud!" Taehyun yelped, covering his ears.

"Why were you staring at me sleeping?!" Beomgyu exclaimed, his face hot and red.

"What can I say? You're quite pretty when you're sleeping." Taehyun's confidence only made Beomgyu feel even more flustered.

"Yah!! Taehyun!! You can't do that!" He shouts, covering his face with his hands. "Th- that's stalking!"

Taehyun just shrugs. "Taehyun can do whatever he wants." He huffs. "After all, I'm dead."

"Yeah? So?! I can see you!" Beomgyu jumps in his spot frustratingly.

The ghost boy only looked at him amused. "I know." He said in a cool way.

Beomgyu squealed from frustration. He ran into his bathroom and slammed the door, locking it shut. Taehyun giggles and follows him in, going through the door because he a ghost so doors don't really matter.

"Aaggh!! Get outt!!" Beomgyu flailed his arms around, trying to somehow scare Taehyun into leaving.

Little does he know, Taehyun can control what he goes through or touches. So Beomgyu was just hitting the air.

"Haha, nice try, Gyu. But you can't hurt me." He said, grabbing onto Beomgyu's wrists after he tired himself out.

"You're such a meanie!!" He whines, twisting his wrists out of Taehyun's hold.

"Beomgyu!! Who the fuck are you talking to?! And why are you yelling at 1 in the morning!!" Beomhan shouts from his outside the door.

"1 in the morning?! Taehyun, how long have I been asleep for?!" Beomgyu exclaimed, holding Taehyun's shoulders tightly. Their face were an inch close.

"Like.. 7 or so hours? Yeah, I don't know. Time sure passes on fast when you're watching a beauty." Beomgyu groans and faced away from him, once again, flustered.

"What.. what about Yeonjun?! I gotta go see him!" Beomgyu rushed out of his bathroom and straight out his room door, only to hit his head on someone's chest.

"Beomgyu. What is up with you?" Beomhan questioned, glaring at his brother.

"My bad.. I just wanted to see if Yeonjun is still here." Beomgyu said, not looking up once.

Beomhan sighed and rolled his eyes. "He's in the guest room. I let him stay the night since you didn't leave your room all day."

"How nice of you.."

"Psh, whatever." Beomhan then walked away.

Beomgyu sighed and went back into his room, locking the door. "Taehyun.." he called, collapsing on his bed.

"You slept all day yet you're still tired?" Taehyun said, floating next to the other.

"Mentally I am. I always am. Buuut physically? Nah, no way. I'm energetic." Beomgyu states, sitting up happily.

"Then wanna go on an adventure?" Taehyun smirks.

"Adventure?" Beomgyu raised a brow. "Sounds suspicious.."

"Suspicious? Pfft- believe me. It's fun." He said, holding a hand out to Beomgyu.

"You aren't gonna possess me.. are you..?" Beomgyu eyed him.

"Nah. If I wanted to, I would've done that since day one."

"Alright then.. I'm trusting you." Beomgyu held his hand.

"There we go!" Taehyun gleamed, pulling Beomgyu up.

"What? What's happened?" Beomgyu asks.

"Seriously, you haven't noticed already?" Taehyun points below.

Beomgyu noticed. He was floating. Or flying..? Not only that, but he seemed to be a little see through.

And most importantly, his body was just sitting limp on his bed, eyes closed.

"Woah- is that me??" Beomgyu poked himself. His body fell down on the bed.

"Soo.. ready for adventure?"

"Heck yeah!"

And into the night sky they flew!

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