The beginning

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As the child in a popular and rich family, Beomgyu was always being mobbed by 'fans' who actually like him for his looks and money. They know nothing about him, and that makes him sad.

He is only 17 years old. People sexualize him wayyy too much for his age. You can never catch him lacking, though.

He finds comfort in music like it's his therapy. Through his lyrics, he can let it all out. Every song, he sings from the heart.

But of course, he has his happy facade. He pretends to be happy. An energetic and outgoing ball of fluff. When in reality, he's just an emotional and depressing ball of fluff.

He has no real friends. The memories he has with his friend group for the past year are nothing but lies. He never remembers being really happy. He only remembers being left out, as his 'friends' mooch off his money.

He may be popular, but that doesn't mean he likes being popular. It's all his family's fault.

But it's all going to change now, because the Choi family were moving to the United States.

"Dad, I don't want to be known in America.. please?" Beomgyu asked his father.

"Of course. Anything for you." His father replied, ruffling his favorite son's floofy blue-gray hair. Yes, there are favorites in the family, sadly.

"Darling, do you want to bring that guitar of yours?" His mother asked from the other room.

"Yes, mom! Dad bought that for me, remember!" Beomgyu exclaimed. "It's special." He said while looking at his father blankly.

His father looked back with eyes of endearment. Footsteps could be heard coming down the stairs. Beomgyu's older brother, who was 2 years older than him, was looking at him in disgust.

The older brother was just a member of the family. Beomgyu's parents adored Beomgyu and favored him over his brother. This makes the sibling relationship.. off.

Choi Beomhan. He absolutely despises Beomgyu for being the precious favorite. But what Beomgyu doesn't know is deep down, Beomhan adores Beomgyu from behind the scenes. He can't hate him, he only acts like he does.

And it's killing his little brother.. mentally.. and physically.

Beomgyu doesn't exactly know when (8yrs), but he stopped eating normally, one or two snacks a day. He stopped showing his emotions around his family, especially his parents. You could probably catch him smile at his brother.

He tried self harm at 13, learned it through watching Gacha Life. But it never helped, so he stopped trying to drown or cut himself.

Though, the amount he eats is slowly killing him. He just doesn't know this. Nobody knows this.

Then, there's the guitar. Beomgyu's only escape in this whole world. He loves his father for this.

"A guitar?" Beomgyu asked.

It was his 15th birthday.

"Yeah, for you." His father says, smiling so lovingly at him.

"Oh. Thank you." Beomgyu smiled for the first time in a while. "I love it."

Beomhan stood behind the wall of Beomgyu's doorway, glaring at the floor. "Beomgyu-ah, come here." He said, gaining his brother's attention.

Upon hearing his brother's voice, his smile widened. "Coming!!" He exclaimed cheerfully.

Before he could even meet his brother in the eye, he was tripped from the doorway, his head hitting the ground as he blacked out.

"Beomgyu, we'll be boarding the jet in 5 minutes. You excited?" Beomgyu's mom asked, holding her son's hand gently.

"Mhm.." was all Beomgyu could say. He looked to his left, watching his big brother play a game on his phone.

Of course it was noticed by him, making him groan and turn further away so Beomgyu couldn't see, breaking his fragile heart a little more.

With the sound of the jet's engines, the Choi's got up and left their big mansion, entering their private jet.

And off to Minnesota they go.

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