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As time passed by, Yeonjun and Soobin stayed the same. Just two 'best buds' following the same routine everyday.

Everyday, they hangout, either it being Soobin or Yeonjun's room. Sometimes it's Beomgyu's room but that's just because Beomgyu's doing something stupid. But those hangouts are random, you'll never know the outcome.

After hanging out for hours or something, they are still together studying. 'How to flirt like Yeonjun'. Soobin still sucks at it, but it's ok. Yeonjun only came up with this to have an excuse to flirt with his student.

But now, he was just getting annoyed by the amount of hints he's giving the other, only to be backed down and called a friend.

"That's it." Yeonjun said to himself in the mirror. "It's go time."

With final words of encouragement, he takes one step closer to his door, only to get a, "Hey there!" from Taehyun.

"Ack!" He shouts, clutching his chest where he feels his heart beating rapidly from the jump scare.

"Lols. Watcha doin getting up at 10pm? You have school tomorrow, dumbo."

"Well, this would go a lot faster if you didn't scare me like that!" Yeonjun sighs. He was getting his breath back together.

"Hm.. are you finally gonna tell Soobin that he's an idiot for not realizing your feelings for him and that he needs to stop being such a clueless fuck?" Taehyun asked.

"Not in that way, but pretty much yeah." Yeonjun shrugs.

Taehyun chuckles. "Well, unlike you~ I already got a man waiting for me. See ya." Taehyun disappears into the wall.

"Uncalled for." Yeonjun groans. He just rolled his eyes and continued forward, opening his door. He was stopped again when he felt himself bump into someone.

"Oh, hey Yeonjun!"

"You have got to be kidding me." Yeonjun groaned. "Hey, Beomgyu.."

"Ooo~ are you on the way to see Soobin?"

"Yeah, so will you please go back to your boyfriend and let me talk to him.. before it gets close to midnight."

"Eheh, sure! See ya then!" Beomgyu then went to his room.

Yeonjun sighed again, holding his hand out towards Soobin's door, ready to knock.

Only to be stopped again by the other Beom in the house. "Yeonjun, can you please explain why you're up right now and roaming the halls?"

"Please." He groans. "Why must you stop me the day I am trying to tell Soobin my feelings? Literally, you have never done that before."

"I never see you out of your room after 10. Sorry- I guess." Beomhan then trots off someplace else.

Yeonjun watched as he left. Before anyone else could stop him, he enters Soobin's room without knocking. "Soobin. We have to talk."

Soobin looked up with confusion settled on his face. "Yeah? What's so important you had to come in at 10?"

"Follow me, please. And wear a jacket." Yeonjun then left the room and went to the living room.

Soobin just did as he told without asking twice. Once he had his bomber jacket on, he went to Yeonjun and followed him when he went out the front door.

"Where are we going?" He asked, as they have now been walking for a mile now. That in fact is 15 minutes of walking.

"To the park." Yeonjun said.

"Bruh, we passed the park 10 minutes ago." Soobin states.

"I meant the other park."

Soobin groaned as his legs were starting to hurt. He never was an active person, so yeah this walk sucks.

Yeonjun sighed, stopping in his tracks. Soobin, being behind him, stopped as well. He crouched down in front of him. "Get on, you giant baby."

The other raised his eyebrows. "I am not a baby." He said.

"You getting on my back says otherwise." With a huff, Yeonjun continues walking with Soobin on his back.

After another 5 minutes, they were finally at the park. He sets Soobin down on a nearby bench then sat down beside him.

"So. What was so important that you had to drag me all the way to the park instead of talking it out in my room?"

"Ok, so here's the thing. I dragged you all the way out here because I didn't want to say it in Beomgyu's mansion. I also didn't want to have a confession be simply plain boring so I brought us to a place I like being at!" Yeonjun rambles.

Soobin stayed silent, hearing the word 'confession'. The two stared at each other for a long moment with the only sound being the creatures of the night.

Yeonjun took a deep breathe in and let it out. He cleared his throat before he began his confession. "Soobin, I know we've been friends for a while now. We've been through many things together, wether it be just us talking about random things, going to many different places together, or protecting the sweet annoying man child in the mansion. But there's one thing I've always wanted to tell you. And, I'm doing it today."

Soobin looked at him with sparkling eyes. He was hoping what Yeonjun was about to say is exactly what he thinks it is. With just three words, his heart started beating loudly and his eyes started tearing up.

"I like you." He said.

"I-I.." Soobin started. He knew it. The feelings were mutual.

Yeonjun smiled softly, waiting for Soobin to say it back. He looked him in his teary eyes, leaning closer.

"I just think we're friends.." Soobin blurts out. His eyes widened as he said that, holding a hand closer to his chest.

The older rolled his eyes. "Nah, that's bullshit." Without a second left to waste, Yeonjun pulled Soobin in and kissed him on the lips.

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