A surprise

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"Taehyuniee~" Beomgyu sang, looking over the latter's shoulder.

"Ye?" Taehyun questions, completely putting all is attention towards his boyfriend because nothing else to him matters as much as Beomgyu.

"Do you remember what day it is today?" Beomgyu asked, blinking his eyelashes innocently.

"Mm.. no not really. What day is it?"

A big gasp came out of Beomgyu. "You don't remember?!" He asked, super shocked.

"Remember..? I don't really remember the days, Hyung."

"Ack!" Beomgyu starts thinking of something.

"If it helps, can you tell me what it is I'm forgetting?"

"Hm.. later! I have something to do reaaaal quick! Oh! And, don't go in the living room." He smiled sheepishly before he rushed off to do whatever he was doing.

Taehyun just shrugs and started doing his own thing. He decided to mess around in Beomgyu's closet for a while. He learned how to use his pc, so he played Beomgyu's shooting games for a while before he got bored and wanted to do something else.

He then decided to try out Beomgyu's guitar, although not knowing how to play it. In the end, let's just say he didn't mean to lose a string.

Thenn, he found something else interesting in Beomgyu's closet. A whole bag of manga that Taehyun once found before in the past. Last time they were bls, but these ones were gl.

It took Taehyun an hour to read all of the books. As a ghost, reading is something you can do quick and mindfully. Something most people can't do. Reading fast usually makes it so the full information isn't being spread to your brain. Just some.

And Taehyun was bored once more. There wasn't anything else interesting in the closet besides all the BTS posters. But he could only stare at them.

"I'm so boredd." He huffed. Suddenly he had a great idea. He sneaked out of Beomgyu's closet and went out of his room, going straight to the kitchen. "Hehe."

In the kitchen were a bunch of chefs just minding their own business. Taehyun's perfect plan was to scare them off.

With swift movements, Taehyun flung the empty mixing bowl onto the floor and turned the sink's faucet on. The chefs went wide eyed as they went into panic mode.

Not even 2 seconds later they were already running out of the kitchen with horrifying expressions.

Taehyun laughs at their reactions and decided to finish making whatever it was they were making.

"It seems like they were planning to make a cake.." Taehyun said to himself, reading the recipe in his head. "Aha!"

Taehyun then starts the process of mixing ingredients together. It was a good thing the chefs already had the ingredients out and ready for him.

Disclaimer, this was an ice cream cake. Author dunno how to even make cake. So this be me guessing everything. Yay.

He starts by putting 1/6th of a layer of the already baked chocolate cake into a circular pan with a thing so it can open and take a cake out easier, adding 1/3rd of a layer of vanilla ice cream after right on top. He then added a thinner layer of what once was a chocolate bar, now just crushed chocolate. It was also mixed with chocolate fudge so that's like the filling part of the cake.

He repeats the process with chocolate and strawberry ice cream. To finish off, the entire top was covered in chocolate Oreo crumbs, the cream still stuck on it. This was going to be one big cake.

Taehyun opened the circular pan's latch and removed it from the cake. Using his big brain, Taehyun had put a bunch of frosting on a plastic sheet and smoothed it out evenly all over, putting it around the cake afterwards so now it was easier to frost.

He removed the plastic and cut off the excess frosting at the top. The cake was finally done with the finishing touches of Taehyun throwing more Oreo crumbs all over the cake.

He heard the door open and close, familiar footsteps coming closer.

And just like he thought, Beomgyu stood at the doorway, yet he looked surprised.

"O-Oh! Heyy Hyunie. What are you doing here?" Beomgyu asked, panicking a bit.

"Oh! I scared the chefs away so I decided to be nice and finish decorating the cake they were making." Taehyun explains.

Beomgyu chuckles and walked on over to the other. "Silly, go get yourself cleaned up. I have a surprise for you."

"Surprise? Ok!" Taehyun rushed back to Beomgyu's room.

The other sighed at the cake in front of him. He smiled, proud that Taehyun did this all by himself.

Before the cake could melt, Beomgyu hurried up and wrote Happy Birthday with white frosting on the cake, as well as Taehyun's name in melted chocolate. He then placed it gently in the freezer.

He sighs to himself, happy he finally finished up. He couldn't wait to give Taehyun his surprise.

Around an hour later, Beomgyu was ready.

"Taehyunie~ Please meet me in the living room." He said, peaking in his room to find Taehyun bored as hell once again.

Taehyun nods and gathers himself. He takes a deep breath as he went on over to the living room.

Confetti surrounded the room, making Taehyun jump back in shock. His mouth went agape as he stood by the doorway in a daze.

Beomgyu was standing in the middle of the room, holding the cake he decorated earlier with a single candle that had 17 on it, but 5 firey ends.

Soobin, Yeonjun, Huening Kai, Lea, Hiyyih, Beomhan, and Jay Chang were all there. (Others would be there too if they knew he were here) They sang the birthday song, clapping along to Taehyun's head bopping.

When the song ended, Taehyun blew put the candles with a happy smile and teary eyes. "Ohh! It's my birthday!" He giggles. "Thank you so much everyone!"

"Hehe! Happy birthday!" Beomgyu placed the cake down and hugged Taehyun tightly.

Everyone else joins the hug, making a big group hug.

"Best birthday I had in my whole entire life." Taehyun said with a sigh of relief.

He loves Beomgyu so much.

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