Famous Junnie

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"Yeonjun! I need to talk to you!" Beomgyu shouts from his room, scrolling through his phone.

"Yeeees?" Yeonjun replied, peeking his head in the doorway.

"Come look!" Taehyun said from above Beomgyu, who was looking at Beomgyu scrolling through his phone.

Yeonjun does as he was told and takes a look at Beomgyu's phone. His face went into 'what?' mode when he saw his face on a post by some rando. "Yes, that's me." He states.

"You're fucking famous Junnie!!" Soobin shouts, running into Beomgyu's room looking extra exhilarated. "Can you believe this?! My Yeonjun?? Famous!?"

"Yes, we get it Soobs. He's famous." Beomgyu bluntly said.

"Pfft, guys, guys. I already know I'm famous." Yeonjun laughs, moving a hair out of Soobin's face. "I've known since the episode was aired."

"Eh? Scuse me?" Soobin raised a brow, getting closer to the boys. "And when exactly has it been aired?"

"Like.. hm.. I guess an hour ago?" Yeonjun said, sitting himself on the bed.

Soobin sat on the bed as well. "Well, what should we do? Now that Junnie is famous, people might wanna steal him from me!" He exclaimed, putting his angry bunny face on.

"It's not like I'd steal him from you." Taehyun states with a disgusted face.

"I can see that look on your face without even seeing your face." Yeonjun glares.

"How about we celebrate it? Since it became a success? Like, Yeonjunie is even more famous that the two main actors and actresses." Beomgyu said after reading a few other posts.

"Can I make the cake again?!" Taehyun asked, excitedly.

"Of course you can! After all, that cake you decorated on your birthday was amazing." Beomgyu smiles.

"Why did he make his own cake again?" Soobin asked.

"Because he's an idiot and scared the chefs away." Beomgyu stuck his tongue out at the ghost.

"Hey! Not my fault you didn't remind me it was my birthday!" Taehyun huffs, leaving the bed and entering the bathroom. He opened the door and was now visible to everyone else.

"Now I can finally see you." Yeonjun sighs, feeling it a tad weird talking to air when speaking to Taehyun.

"Meh, I'm not staying here very long." Taehyun huffs. He checked himself out in the mirror. "Beomie you should join me."

"For what?" Beomgyu questions, tilting his head in tiny. He got off his bed and walked over to Taehyun to see what's up.

The door suddenly shut behind him, making him look bad even more confused.

Soobin and Yeonjun were just as confused when they suddenly heard things crashing around in the bathroom. Not only that but Beomgyu's squeals could be heard.

When the door opened again, Beomgyu had cool looking clothes on. The expression on his face showed he was still very much confused.

"Soobin~ your turn." Taehyun said with a smirk.

"Uhm.. nah ah, I can change myself." Soobin states, crossing his arms and staying put on the bed.

Taehyun groans and steps out of the bathroom, turning invisible again. Soobin grew alert now that he couldn't see the ghost.

"Ackk!! Soobin! Help!" Yeonjun exclaimed as he was suddenly floating.

"Taehyun!" Soobin shouts, getting off the bed. He followed the floating Yeonjun and invisible Taehyun straight into the bathroom.

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