Cold adventure

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Taehyun and Beomgyu were sitting on a tree branch at an empty park. It was 7pm now, they've been there for an hour.

"Hyun, when it gets dark these days, it's always so early." Beomgyu points out, feeling a tiny bit chilly.

Taehyun held his lover's hand tightly, not really warm but Beomgyu still felt warm on the inside.

"That's because when it's winter, the sun goes down a lot faster. The air gets colder and the night grows darker. If it's cold enough, it will snow, just like it will in about 2 hours."

"Snow?" Beomgyu questioned with bright wide eyes looking at the other curiously. "I've never seen snow before."

"You haven't? Ah right, you lived in Daegu before. Well, in that case. You'll see your first snow fall today at exactly 9:28pm." Taehyun ruffles the other's hair.

Beomgyu smiled widely and hugged Taehyun's side. Taehyun hugged him back with one hand going up to his head.

The two sit there for another few hours just in each other's presence, not minding the chilly air and watching the sky grow darker and darker each minute.

Soon, it was snowing. It went from small flakes of snow to a whole ass blizzard in just minutes.

"Snow!" Beomgyu exclaimed. He did not care that the ground was already covered with snow. It was the prettiest thing he has seen so far, besides Taehyun. "Hyunie, let's play!"

"Ok!" Taehyun giggles, jumping off the tree branch. Beomgyu hopped down as well.

The two started playing in the snow. Beomgyu rolled around the ground, creating his prints in the snow. They were lucky nobody was outside, otherwise seeing the prints make themselves would seem quite strange. Someone could've called the ghost busters.

Taehyun decided to draw smiley faces into the snow with his finger. Every smiley face he drew was then covered up again in minutes from the hard falling snow.

"This is like, the best day ever." Beomgyu gasped from excitement, sticking his tongue out to catch some snowflakes.

Taehyun does the same, his tongue out and catching snowflakes. As a human, Beomgyu's snowflakes melt right as they touch his tongue. But for a ghost like Taehyun, he was capable of keeping the snowflake's shape.

"Beomie, look." Taehyun called out to him. He got the latter's attention as he showed the perfect crystal snowflake on his tongue.

Beomgyu moved closer to him with amazement all over his face. "Woah.."

"I -ow. Howhakes are ho hi-ee." (I know. Snowflakes are so pretty.) Taehyun said with his tongue still out, causing his words to be incoherent.

Beomgyu giggles and leans in closer to his face. He immediately closed the gap between their mouths. He melted that snowflake off Taehyun's tongue.

Taehyun held his waist to keep them attached, continuing the kiss Beomgyu initiated.

Once again, of course, they're at it with the addicting make out session because they love each other.

And the best part about it is that they can do it whenever and wherever they want since no one can see them. Until Beomgyu goes back into his  human body that is.

But who knew two souls making out in the middle of a blizzard at 10pm was so thrilling..

Especially the lone soul standing over behind the tree they were just at.

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