Beomgyu's nightmare

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Taehyun made it inside the memory part of Beomgyu's brain. There, he could see a bunch of doors with names carved into them. It was odd how a human brain had doors with each memory inside of them.

But what haunts every ghost the most when entering a human brain, is the door with 'nightmare' carved into it. If they weren't careful, that nightmare could keep them stuck in the nightmare, forever.

With a little bit of hesitation, he went into the door of never ending darkness. There was a line of different other doors with dates of every nightmare he has had in the past carved into the doors.

He went to the door with yesterday's date. He entered rather quickly, but was also smart about it. He brought a thick rope with him. Once tied to both ends of the doorknobs, it was impossible for the door to close. That way he wouldn't get stuck in the nightmare.

It had already started the moment he opened the door, seeing a tiny Beomgyu standing in the center of the scenery, just trees and flowers. Taehyun smiled as he saw Beomgyu smiling widely, dancing in one place.

He also saw a tiny Taehyun next to him, dancing along with the other as they were in their favorite spot together, just singing and laughing and dancing.

Then, the nightmare begins. The shining sun in the sky turned into an eclipse which was then turned into the blood moon. Beomgyu's face went horrified as he looked up at the red sky with wide eyes.

It started raining blood. The drops ran down Beomgyu's body, head to toe. Soon, Beomgyu was soaked in the crimson red blood.

He watched as Beomgyu walked in place, never leaving the center of the scenery. The sky and plants moved along with him to make it seem like he was moving.

Then the scene changed to what looks like Beomgyu and Taehyun's favorite spot, except dark and creepy. On the same rock they finally found each other once again was the body of Taehyun, but the older version of him.

Older version of Beomgyu went to Taehyun's lifeless body just laying there. A shadowy hand then reached out and grabbed Taehyun, dragging him down the woods and off to someplace else.

Taehyun scrunched his face when he heard a crunch sound, as if whatever that shadowy figure was, was eating Taehyun.

Beomgyu let tears fall down his cheeks. Taehyun sighed. "So that's why he was crying.." the nightmare continued as Beomgyu ran after the shadow, trying to save his Taehyun.

But it was no use. Beomgyu then started getting shoved in place, once, twice, and three times. That is, until he fell down a ditch, rolling all the way down.

The darkness then lit up, as Beomgyu's eyes widened with a bright light coming out of them.

And Taehyun knew that this was when Beomgyu had woken up. He quickly made his way out of Beomgyu's nightmare and shut the door quietly as to not disturb the nightmare.

He was then out of that nightmare room. Before he left though, he made sure to take a peak on the dream Beomgyu was having at the moment.

And it was quite a wholesome dream, if he would say so himself. He smiled heartily as he watched Beomgyu cuddling with Taehyun in a field of cotton candy and fluffy white cats.

The scene turned into playful kisses, slight touching, and then it went overboard. This made Taehyun smirk as to what Beomgyu was dreaming right now wasn't quite innocent.

He watched the dream play out for a while until Beomgyu woke up, that bright light shining in his eyes again to alert that. Oh how he wishes to show Beomgyu what kind of dream he just had.

Anyways, that was enough of a show for Taehyun. He flew out of Beomgyu's body and waited beside him, watching his eyes open slowly.

Taehyun smirked once more, looking Beomgyu straight in the eyes. "Hey." He said rather seductively.

"Hm? Hi.." Beomgyu spoke, his low deep voice taking place.

"So, wanna make that dream of yours a reality?"

Beomgyu raised a brow. "I don't remember my dream though?"

"You'll find out soon." Taehyun then stole Beomgyu's lips with his own.

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