[Chapter 34]

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Jungwon didn't really know how to deal with his feelings. That conversation with Jay left him so distraught, that he had spent the last couple hours replaying the whole thing in his head. He just couldn't stop thinking about it, and trying to figure out what the hell he was going to do next. Of course he didn't go to the party; he wouldn't be able to face Jay without crying. Instead, he took himself for a little walk to clear his head. While doing that, he noticed that the lights were still on in Gaeul's cabin, so he tried his luck, and headed towards the building.

"Oh-" He mutters as he opens the door, not expecting to see Yujin there. Though, it did make sense, considering she wasn't invited to the party. "Sorry for interrupting." He was about to turn around, when he hears Gaeul call out for him.

"No please stay!" She sounded a bit frantic, probably caught off guard by Jungwon's arrival. Before she speaks again, she looks across at Yujin, to check that the girl was okay with him staying. Yujin's angered expression made it blatantly clear that she wasn't, but Gaeul knew that this had to be done. She turns back to Jungwon, waving him into the cabin. "You can sit on there if you want, that's Wonyoung's bed." She says, pointing to the other bottom bunk.

A few seconds pass while Jungwon weighs up his options. He could either stay here with someone he hates, but also get some advice from his friend. Or leave, and be on his own for the rest of the night.

He really couldn't stand being alone right now.

With slow steps, he walks over to Wonyoung's bed, curling up in the corner. He grabs the bright pink pillow beside him [clearly brought from Wonyoung's home] and places it in his lap.

"Did you talk to Jay?" Gaeul had noticed the dried tear stains from the minute Jungwon walked in. She could only assume that the conversation had ended badly.

"Yeah I did, and I'm just really confused now." As Jungwon finishes his answer, Yujin jumps up from her bed, garnering confused looks from the other two.

"I better go-"

"Come on, don't be like this." Gaeul cuts her off, grabbing her wrist.

Yujin shakes her head. "He'd prefer me to go."

Instantly, Gaeul wanted to refute that, but when glancing to Jungwon, she knew it was true. She lets out a heavy sigh, and drags Yujin down to the bed. Now getting up herself, she stands between both beds, looking at her friends. "Okay enough of this. No ones leaving here until you two sort your shit out. I don't need you to be best friends, but I want you to at least be civil, because I'm fed up of this drama. Got it?"

When no one responds, Gaeul lets out another sigh, and crosses her arms. "Can someone please say something? Just explain why you're mad, or why you want an apology, or whatever! Anything to make some progress."

"She tried to steal Jay from me." Jungwon scoffs. He just wanted some advice, not a counselling session. "And she's always mean to me."

"Such a perfect little angle, aren't you?" Yujin replies, sarcastically. "I'm not the only bitch here. You've been mean to me too."

Even though it was getting a little heated, Gaeul was actually impressed the two were talking things out.

Jungwon rolls his eyes. "Lets call it even then." He couldn't deny that the girl had a point, however, he still thought she was worse than him. Anyway, there was a much bigger issue he had with her. "I want an apology from you for trying to steal Jay from me. I don't get what I did to deserve you doing that to me."

"Isn't it obvious?"

*Flashback to Yujin's 14th birthday party*

Standing at the drinks table, Yujin pours herself another cup of coke, bouncing to the dance music blasting through the church hall. She takes a sip of the beverage, and glances around, wondering where her best friend had gotten to. The party would be ending soon, and she wanted to take some more pictures with him.

"Have you seen Jungwon?" She asks the girl next to her, frantically searching for the boy with her eyes.

"I think I saw him go outside." Gaeul replies, sounding slightly unsure.

Yujin nods, and heads off to find him. She pushes through the large crowd of party goers, finally finding the door, which she swiftly pulls open and steps out of. The cold September wind slaps her in the face, as she looks around for Jungwon. A smile starts to curve her lips as she sees him sitting at a bench, but as she gets closer, she see's he's not alone. 

Suddenly it felt like her whole world came crumbling down.

*End of flashback*

"I told you I was gonna confess to him the next day, and you supported me. So tell me why when I went outside I saw you two kissing? I know it was three years ago, but you were meant to be my best friend." 

It's not like Jungwon didn't remember what happened, he just had always thought Yujin was overreacting. Although, listening to her talk about it again, he realized how hurt she actually sounded. Maybe he did owe her an apology after all.

"I'm sorry, I never wanted to hurt you." He explains slowly, thinking before he speaks. He didn't want to be misconstrued. "I was scared to tell you about my feelings for him, so I supported you, because you were my best friend. The night of the party he confessed to me, and the kiss just happened. I wanted to tell you everything, but the damage had already been done. You hated me."

Yujin's expression softened at Jungwon's explanation, as if she was surprised he had apologized. "I guess I should have listened to you." She mumbles. There was a lot going through her mind, but mostly, she began to realize how dumb this grudge was. "I'm sorry I tried to steal Jay from you. It was so petty of me...and actually super embarrassing. If it's okay with you, I think it's about time we moved past this stupid rivalry."

"Yeah, I think so too." Jungwon chuckles.

"Oh my God! A miracle has happened!" Gaeul cheers, running over to Jungwon and giving him a big hug. She does the same to Yujin. Slumping back down on the bed, she looks over to Jungwon with the biggest smile. "Now lets hear what happened with Jay."


This Yujin x Jungwon backstory was originally in my JayWon spin off, but obviously that book didn't happen, so I thought I'd still use it here. Just a little more condensed.

Happy to be back writing again, I hope you enjoy the double upload.

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