[Chapter 11]

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Who would have thought going on a trip with your whole school year would feel this lonely? Jake was really trying to enjoy himself, and make the most of this experience, but he couldn't ignore how alone he felt. If Sunghoon and Sunoo weren't acting all cute and couply, then they were off talking to their other friends [a luxury Jake didn't have]. He never wanted to come across as jealous, or annoyed at his friends, so once again he took himself away, to not ruin their happiness.

Things were so much more simple a few weeks ago. The puzzle was only three pieces, and everyone knew where they fit. However, the puzzle had changed, and there were a lot more pieces now. Jake tried to fit himself in, but ultimately found there wasn't really a place for him. He knew it was mostly all in his head, Sunoo and Sunghoon would never want him to feel excluded like this, but that didn't change the fact that he did. 

So here he was, sitting all alone on the steps of his cabin, waiting for the night to be over. 

"I didn't see you at the campfire." 

Jake turns his head towards the voice, instantly gulping at who was approaching him. Carrying a stick with a perfectly toasted marshmallow on it, and wearing a slight look of concern; Lee Heeseung joins him on the steps of his cabin.

"Are you alright? Did something happen?"

The brunette couldn't form any words, completely shocked that someone was worried about. It had nothing to do with that person being Lee Heeseung, it was because there's not many people who care about him full stop.

Finally after a few seconds of silence, Jake manages to mutter out. "Yeah I'm fine."

That concerned look on Heeseung's face turns into smile, and he gently tilts the stick towards Jake. "Uh- I brought this for you." He says meekly.

Yet again, Jake was surprised, but took less time to comprehend the gesture. He mustered up a sweet smile, and carefully took the marshmallow from Heeseung. "Thanks."

"You're welcome."

Jake didn't really know what to say after that, and it didn't look like Heeseung did either. So considering Heeseung had made the first effort, Jake decided to try and spark up a conversation.

"Have you sorted out the wasps nest yet?" He already knew they hadn't, but it was an easy topic to bring up.

"Nope, we are still working on that one. Might have to stay up all night to keep watch, not like I expect any of the guys to actually sleep in there." Heeseung chuckles depressingly. 

Jake nudges him softly. "Well you can always come stay in my cabin, you need your sleep to."

"Thanks but I probably wouldn't sleep well anyway." 

"How come?"

A long sigh escapes Heeseung. "I'm just a bit stressed at the moment with football and all that, it's stupid." He shakes his head.

"It's not stupid if it's how you feel." Jake reassures.

"You know you're the first person who's told me that." Heeseung states, and he seems to relax slightly, almost as if he was prepared for Jake to be like everyone else.  "Everyone thinks I'm overreacting because we've won the last few games, but that's exactly why I'm stressed. This pressure to keep winning is a lot to bare."

"Sounds like it. I hope you can sleep better soon." Sometime people don't want to be told how to fix their problems, especially when they know nothing reasonable can fix them. They just want a shoulder to lean on, and someone to listen to their problems. Jake felt like that's what Heeseung needed right now, so he didn't bother pushing any unnecessary insight.

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