[Chapter 10]

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The sun had long set over the vast green forest, making room for the dimmer glow of the crescent moon. The crackling of fire joined the whistle of the wind and the chirping of crickets, while the students sat round the array of campfires set up for them to roast marshmallows tonight. With no tasks or challenges for them to complete, they were left to enjoy their first evening at the retreat peacefully. 

The marshmallows were being given out by the staff, to allow a fair distribution of the yummy treats, but one boy had no concern for what was fair. Jay waited until one of the staff was distracted then nabbed their bag of marshmallows and wandered off to a different campfire. Sure it was a bit scummy, but he didn't want to wait around for one measly marshmallow. 

He threw a handful in his mouth and scanned the kids around him, spotting his red head friend staring across the fire. He followed Heeseung's gaze all the way to Gaeul. Who, in his opinion, was literally doing nothing of interest. However, Heeseung seemed pretty invested in watching what the girl was doing, He was leaning forward, with eyes narrowed, honestly, if he wasn't Lee Heeseung he'd look like a creep.

"What are you doing?" Jay asks, taking a seat beside Heeseung on the log. 

Heeseung keeps his focus on Gaeul, simply muttering. "I'm trying to work something out."

Weird, Jay thinks to himself, but decides to shrug it off and throw another set of marshmallows into his mouth. 

"I'm tired." 

Jay smiles as an exhausted Jungwon slumps down beside him, dropping his head onto his shoulder. 

"It's been a long day." Jay says, gently stroking the boys back.

Jungwon tilts his head up to look at him. "I know, and we still haven't dealt with that wasp nest. I'm gonna have to sleep in the woods tonight."

"Oh shut up, like you would ever sleep in the woods." Jay scoffs in amusement, and Jungwon can't help but laugh. The thought was pretty funny. "You can stay with me tonight." He smirks, while leaning in towards Jungwon's face. "But it's only a single bed, so we'll have to cuddle close..."

"Like that's the only thing on your mind." Jungwon playfully rolls his eyes, which causes Jay to chuckle, and his heart skips a beat. Suddenly, he feels compelled to snuggle closer, which in turn leads to Jay putting his arm around him. 

These moments felt like bliss to Jungwon. He really hated when they'd fight, and it felt like that's all they had been doing lately. He just wanted affection; these sweet moments where all they focused on was each other. He could forget what people would say about them, he could ignore all the speculation they caused, because right now, they felt like a real couple. That's everything Jungwon could wish for.


"Roasting marshmallows around a campfire, Is there any more perfect camping activity? Lets talk to a few students now, and find out how their first day went."

As Rei signals that the camera had stopped rolling, Jiwon drops her bright smile and lets out an incredibly long sigh. "Now the trouble of finding someone to interview."

"Maybe we should just give up to-"

"No! We can't give up!" Jiwon interrupts dramatically. "Principle Im specifically asked for us to include student interviews."

"I know, but doesn't it feel a bit unnatural?" Rei questions with slight reservation, she slowly gestures towards the campfires. "Like look around, everyone's smiling and having fun. Can't we show more of that, rather than making it feel like an advert?"

The blonde girl turns to the campfires, hit with the sight of her peers. She listens to their laughter, watches them eat their marshmallows, and turns back to Rei with a beaming smile. "I know who we can interview!" 

Rei actually thought for a second that Jiwon might listen to her idea, but that was obviously not the case. All she could do was switch her camera back on, and follow Jiwon over to the campfires. After all, that was the only thing Jiwon wanted from her.

If there was one person who wouldn't curse Jiwon out, it had to be Kim Sunoo. The boy never swore anyway, plus he had kinda become her friend after the whole Valentines drama. He was currently sitting at the campfire, sharing a marshmallow with Sunghoon. It was all too cute, so before Jiwon could ruin it, Rei took some b roll. 

"Hey Sunoo!" Jiwon greeted with an overly sweet tone, and not a second later she was pulling out her microphone. "Can I get an interview? It's for the schools website. I would really appreciate you helping me. You can do that right?"

"Oh- okay..." Sunoo mutters, quite surprised by this random bombardment.

He soon feels Sunghoon leaning over to him. "You don't have to do it if you don't want." 

It was nice to be reminded of things like that, as he sometimes fell back into his pushover ways. However, he didn't mind giving Jiwon an interview; he liked helping out his friends.

"Sooooo...hmm, where's the best light?" Jiwon asks to her camera woman, as she takes a look around.

"Probably next to Sunoo." Rei suggests.

Jiwon nods, and she instantly squishes in between the love birds. "Are you ready? Alright." She clears her voice, then looks directly into the camera. "I'm here with- state your name please."

The microphone is pushed into his face. "Kim Sunoo."

"Now Sunoo, could you tell me about your day?"

"Um, can I be honest?"

"Of course!" Jiwon exclaims. "We want full honesty!"

Sunoo wasn't too sure about that, nonetheless, he decided to tell the truth. "Well after a two hour bus ride, they made us do this weird key scavenger hunt, where I nearly broke my neck. Then I found out my cabin has a wasp nest, and the staff won't even remove it for us. They say we have to do it ourselves-"

"Alright that's enough!" Jiwon squeals in frustration. "Rei stop recording!" She jumps up from the log, and storms away, with Rei running after her.

Turns out, she didn't want full honesty after all.


A cute JayWon moment finally.

Decided to post these chapters in between my bingeing of Elite season 6. Hope you enjoyed the double upload!

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