[Chapter 29]

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"Sunghoon! Put me down!" Sunoo squeals as he feels himself swept off the ground, and be thrown over the blondes shoulder. He tries to wiggle out of his grip, but it was no use, the boy was too strong. So he gave up pretty quickly and let Sunghoon carry him, not having a clue where they were going. When he was eventually put down again, he immediately furrowed his brows, realizing he was in the middle of the woods. "Where are we? Where's everyone else?"

"I just thought we could spend some time on our own." Sunghoon says with a sweet smile, taking Sunoo's hand and giving it a light squeeze.

"You better know the way back though, I don't wanna get stuck out here." Sunoo giggles.

"Don't worry about that." Sunghoon brushes it off, letting go of Sunoo's hand. The ravenette watches as he plucks a little purple wild flower out of the ground, and turns back to him, presenting the flower. "Because it doesn't matter where I am, I'll be happy as long as I'm with you." He states, gently placing the flower behind Sunoo's ear.

A layer of rosy blush flushes Sunoo's cheeks, as he blissfully smiles at the taller. A sudden feeling of worry washes over him, when he notices Sunghoon's expression become more serious.

"I really mean that Sunoo, I care about you a lot, and I want you to be happy in this relationship." He continues, gaze flickering between Sunoo and the ground, almost as if he was lacking confidence. "If there are things that are bugging you, you've gotta let me know, so I can actually do something about it. Don't hold back if you think it'll upset me, because I can take it. For you I can take it." 

This really came out of the blue for Sunoo. Sure, there were some things on his mind, but he wasn't aware that Sunghoon could tell. He felt a little guilty seeing how this was affecting Sunghoon, before he had even shared his concerns. How would he feel once he knew everything? The last thing Sunoo wanted to do was upset him, but he couldn't ignore his feelings forever. Sunghoon didn't deserve that.

After a few seconds of silence, Sunoo let out a small hum, his hands fidgeting at his sides. "I guess there are a couple things." He mutters, feeling his hands instantly grabbed by Sunghoon. He looked up so their eyes could meet, and it was obvious how badly Sunghoon wanted to know what was bothering him.

"I'm ready to listen." 

With reassurance from Sunghoon, Sunoo nods his head, and sucks in a deep breath. "Well...I'm finding it kind of hard to adjust. We were friends for so long, that sometimes, I get a bit overwhelmed with the romantic stuff." He takes a small pause between his sentences, but quickly adds, "And you're so good at all that stuff, so I feel bad, like I'm not doing enough." 

"I already told you, just being with me is enough." Sunghoon affirms.

"I know, and it's the same for me." Sunoo replies, letting go of Sunghoon's hands, he places them at his sides again. "We've just got some stuff to figure out, it's not a big deal."

"Then why didn't you tell me about it before?" Sunghoon asks, sounding slightly disheartened.

Sunoo sighs. "I didn't want to hurt your feelings, because it's not like you're doing anything wrong."

"But I am doing something wrong. This relationship isn't just about me Sunoo. If I annoy you, or make you feel smothered, then it doesn't matter how innocent my intentions were, it's not making you happy." Sunghoon seemed to be getting a bit agitated, or frustrated at the situation. He runs his hand up and through his blonde locks, licking his lips as he thinks of what to say next. He lets out a shallow breath before speaking again. "Do you regret dating me?"

"What? No!" Sunoo answers with no hesitation. "I do really like you Sunghoon, and I don't want to break up with you. Can we just keep trying to figure out what works for us? I mean, we've only been dating for two weeks."

Slowly Sunghoon nods. "Yeah, we can keep trying, but you've gotta tell me when something's wrong, okay?" 

"I will." Sunoo agrees, letting a small smile curve his lips. "Can I have a hug?" 

That question lifted Sunghoon's mood in an instant, as a smile returns to his face, and he opens his arms wide for Sunoo. The ravenette steps forward, throwing his arms around the blonde's neck, feeling Sunghoon pull him closer by his waist. On this cold late winter morning, Sunoo couldn't have felt warmer, or more comfortable, in the most loving embrace imaginable.

He almost didn't want to pull away, lifting his head up to meet Sunghoon's gaze. They smile at each other, and Sunghoon even boops his nose, making them both laugh. After a few seconds of getting lost in each others eyes, Sunghoon leans forward to peck Sunoo's lips.

The smaller pouts. "That's not a real kiss." He whines.

"Oh? Was it not?" Sunghoon asks with fake innocence, a smirk tugging at his lips. He suddenly pulls Sunoo closer so their faces were only inches apart.  "Then I'll have to show you the real deal."

Without wasting a second more, Sunghoon pressed their lips together, and it was as if all their worries faded away. Nothing felt more right than being here together. Sunoo let his hands tangle in Sunghoon's hair, as the blonde caressed his soft cheeks, getting a better angle to take full control of the kiss. 

Pulling back for a moment, they both took a chance to catch their breath, but Sunghoon's smirk only intensified. "Still not enough?" Before he could even get a response, he abruptly lifts Sunoo up, who instinctively wraps his legs around him.

"So this is why you wanted us to be alone." Sunoo giggles as Sunghoon chucks him up, to get a better hold of his thighs. He wraps his arms around the boys neck to feel more secure.

"Not exactly, but it does have it's perks." Sunghoon winks, laughing as Sunoo slaps his shoulder playfully. 

It wasn't long until the two were kissing again, getting more and more heated as it went on. They were so into it, that they lost all track of time, and honestly forgot they were even meant to be on a hike right now.


All your worries are over, SunSun were never gonna break up.

Also, prepare yourselves, JayWon angst incoming.

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