[Chapter 32]

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Taking a glance at her phone, Gaeul knew she was supposed to be helping with Operation steal the alcohol[or whatever Jay was calling it] right now. However, after having the whole day to think it over, she ultimately decided that she'd give the party a miss. There was just a lot on her mind, and she didn't think the party was the best place for her, when she'd rather be somewhere else entirely.

"They had Uno." Gaeul proclaims as she comes bounding through the door, shaking the bright pack of cards at her roommate.

"Ugh I already told you I don't want to play board games with you." Yujin replies, with a total lack of interest. She puts her focus back on scrolling through twitter, letting out a small sigh when she see's her phone's battery go down to 2%.

"Well technically board games require a board, Uno is a card game." Gaeul chimes, ambling over to Yujin's bed. She felt a little anxious sitting down, knowing that her efforts had gone to waste. Did her love of card games make her look like a loser? Maybe she shouldn't have gone to Dahyun to ask if she had any. 

The two girls sat in silence for a few seconds, before Yujin threw her phone to the side and sighed deeply. She cast her eyes on Gaeul suspiciously. "Why are you even here? Shouldn't you be at the party?" 

"I didn't feel like going." Gaeul tries to sound natural, to avoid the reason being too obvious, but it came out kinda awkward.

"Whatever." Yujin rolls her eyes, and the two fall into silence again. 

There was a lot Yujin didn't understand about Gaeul. I mean how was it possible to get along with everybody you meet? She was like an angel. Though mostly she wondered why they were even friends. They were so different, Gaeul was kind, selfless and lovable, while she was...well, none of those things. It didn't make sense for her to be here.

"You don't have to stay because of me." Yujin mutters almost inaudibly, dropping her gaze down to her lap.

"I know, but I wanna be her-"

"Because you feel pity for me." Yujin cuts her off. "I'm telling you, you don't have to. I get why I'm not invited to these things. No one likes me, and when you stay with me, it only makes me feel worse."

"I don't get why you're like this though." Gaeul states, meeting Yujin's hardened gaze, she see's how it turns into a look of confusion. She had tried to take a lighter approach, but clearly that didn't work with Yujin, she just needed to say the truth as it was. "You weren't always this mean to everyone, especially not Jungwon, so I don't understand why you're like this now. It's obviously not making you happy; why don't you stop?"

Worriedly, Gaeul scans Yujin, trying to work out what the girl was thinking. She really didn't want this to turn into an argument, she just wanted answers. Surprisingly, Yujin didn't seem angry, but there was definitely something going on in her mind. 

Before Yujin speaks, she picks up the pack of Uno, and starts distributing the cards between them. "It's easier said then done. I don't know if I'll ever change, but you should stop wasting your time on me."

"I'm not wasting any time." Gaeul responds almost instantly, grabbing Yujin's hand, to distract her from the cards. It forces Yujin to look at her. "I didn't want to go to the party because you weren't going to be there, and I wanted you there. That's it." 

It was as if time froze for a moment, and Yujin didn't know what to do or say. Sparks of electricity shot through her body when Gaeul touched her and her heart started to beat at an abnormal rate. Truthfully, it scared her. Eventually she was able to snap back to reality, mustering up a quick nod, before continuing to pass out the cards.

Even with a firm answer, she still didn't understand why Gaeul was here.


The group had been walking for about half an hour, and still, no sign of the cabin. Jay wasn't sure of how long it took them last time, but he had a strange feeling that something was wrong.

"I swear we should be there by now." He utters, turning to the only other person who knew the way.

Sunoo puts down his phone, which was lighting the way, and looks around. "Uh probably." He honestly had no idea where they were. He never bothered to remember the path. 

"I guess we just keep going then." Jay suggests, about to continue the journey, when he feels a hand grasp his shoulder. Swinging around, he sees Heeseung staring at him seriously.

"Maybe that's not a good idea." Heeseung says, leaning closer to avoid the others hearing. "I think we're lost-"


They both snap their heads towards Sunoo, who quickly realizes by their death glares that he shouldn't have said anything.

"Fuck Park! Did you seriously get us lost?!" Sunghoon shouts, storming towards him. Instinctively, Heeseung steps in between them, to stop it turning physical. "It's freezing! There's probably bears! We could fucking die out here?!"

"Do you not think I know that?!" Jay yells back, throwing his arms down in frustration. "You knew the risk coming out here, so stop coming for me, and actually try to work out a solution."

"He's right, we need figure something out." Heeseung interjects calmly, which dissolves the tension slightly, as Sunghoon walks over to Sunoo. "Any ideas?"

"There's no way we can get back on our own. We'll just have to hope that Wonyoung and Riki notice how long we've been gone, and go to get us help." Jake replies, trying to ignore how scary this whole situation was. They were actually lost in the dark scary woods, and they couldn't even blame the retreat anymore, this was their fault.

Though the idea was sensible, it was not what Jay wanted to hear. The retreat already tried to kick him out over saving Jungwon's life, what would they do if they found out he tried to steal alcohol? This mission couldn't have gone any worse.

"Lets try and build a fire while we wait." Heeseung states. The cold was much more noticeable when they weren't moving around.

With no other option, the group starts collecting sticks, not even sure if they could start a fire on their own anyway. They had to at least try.

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