[Chapter 2]

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Principle Im Nayeon stood proudly admiring the line of coaches soon to be packed with her dear students. This week was going to be monumental, as she had never planned anything this big before. Cancelling classes for a full week, and taking students out into the middle of the woods- It was almost unheard of. But this was all for them; for their own benefit. This went way beyond the events she usually planned to boost morale, this was to make actual long term change in the students mindsets. To show them there's more to life than focusing on petty drama, and whatever else won't matter in ten years time.

"Morning Nayeon." Mrs Son greets. She always dressed casually in school, different to her fellow literature teachers, so it was no surprise to see her in an oversized graphic t-shirt and messy bun. "I'm interested to see how this week goes, we've never done anything like this before." She comments, taking a sip of her matcha latte.

Nayeon inhales deeply, and forces a smile, pushing away the fear that the students will just spend the week complaining. "I hope they really embrace the experience, or this is going to be a major failure."

"I'm sure they will." Chaeyoung smiles reassuringly. "They're good kids, lets have some faith in them."

Though she was nervous, Nayeon knew that Chaeyoung was right. She was proud to be the principle of Upper Side Academy, and that was due to her amazing students. It was time to silence those worries, and believe in her kids. 

As the time got closer to their 9 am scheduled leave, more and more students began showing up. It was only the juniors and seniors going on this trip, but that was still a lot of students to keep track of. So, they were split into their homeroom classes, and loaded onto buses accordingly.

Nayeon waved at her students as they went past, but became confused, after noticing two of her students had no belongings with them. "Girls, where's your stuff?"

The two girls stopped, and turned their heads in the direction of a familiar red head. "Right here miss." Heeseung jogs over, carrying a backpack on his back, whilst simultaneously dragging two mini suitcases at his sides.

"Isn't he a gentleman miss?" Wonyoung coos.

"Of course, but can't you carry your own stuff? Are your arms broken?" She asks with little seriousness, as ultimately she was amused by the girls making Heeseung their lackey.

"Oh come on miss, boys our age aren't good for much, we've gotta make use of him somehow." Yujin states, glancing back at the row of coaches. "Which bus are we on?"

"Well you're in Mrs Yoo's homeroom right?" The girls nod. "And Heeseung's in Mrs Son's, so you're on bus 3."

"Are you coming on the trip aswell?" 

Nayeon laughs at Heeseung's question, simply gesturing to her outfit, that screams 'I'm about to go camping'. "Of course I am, I wouldn't miss it for the world. I'm actually joining you on your bus, since," She lowers her voice. "You're my favorite students, but don't tell anyone else that."

"I know for a fact that's not true, Jay's in my homeroom." Heeseung chuckles, causing Nayeon to scrunch her face awkwardly. 

"That striker of yours keeps smashing my office windows."

"Oh he doesn't mean it miss. I try to keep him in line during practice, but he's addicted to getting goals. Sometimes the balls have a mind of their own." 

"So the balls have a vendetta against me? yeah yeah okay..." Nayeon brushes off his excuses playfully. "You better get yourself on the bus, we're leaving soon."

Heeseung nods, heading off towards his designated coach, which Yujin and Wonyoung had already left for. Nayeon stays put for now, continuing to watch her students as they arrive, hopeful that this trip was going to be a week to remember.


"What in the world..."

This had to be some nightmare right, because that woman marching towards bus 3 couldn't be Jake's aunt, could it? The boy was shocked, and completely taken by surprise, as he had no idea what his aunt was doing at the school. Any rational person would assume that she was simply here to drop something off that he had forgotten, but considering she left for the airport two days ago, this shouldn't have been possible.


Jake turns to his two best friends, who seem just as shocked as him, before turning back to his aunt with furrowed brows. "I thought you went back to Australia."

"Oh well I didn't! That was just to add some oomph! to the surprise!" She proclaims eccentrically, with flashy hand gestures and all. "I even stayed in a hotel for two days, just to throw you off even more."

"So why are you here then?" He asks, even though he could already sense the reason.

"I'm a volunteer chaperone!" She replies almost instantly, before going off on a long ramble about how she wanted to spend more time with her nephew. 

Of course he loved his aunt, but that didn't mean he had to like that she was coming on this trip. Her loud and obnoxious personality is either going to annoy his peers, or encourage them to make fun of her. She also has a habit of oversharing, so who knows what embarrassing stories she could tell during the trip. Overall Jake just felt numb about her coming, it wasn't what he wanted, but it's not like he could stop it now.

While Jake was caught up listening to his aunts rambling, Sunoo and Sunghoon managed to sneak away, heading to the side of the coach, where the bags were being loaded.

Looking back at his friend, Sunoo could see how 'over it' he already was. "He is not happy." He giggles, pushing down the handle of his mini suitcase.

"Can you blame him? Once she's done annoying him, she'll come for us." Sunghoon spoke from experience, something Sunoo could attest to, causing the ravenette to let out a light sigh. "Let me take that." Sunghoon gestures to the suitcase.

"I can carry it myself you know." 

Sunghoon ignores the comment, and picks up the suitcase. "Why cause yourself the hassle when I'm here? Just let me do it for you."

"Because you don't need to do everything for me." Sunoo argues, watching as Sunghoon places the suitcase into the coach's storage. He couldn't deny that he felt slightly irritated, but he didn't really know why, so he just pushed the feelings away for now.

"That's all sorted." Sunghoon smiles. "Should we get on the bus?"

"Sure." Sunoo smiles back, and the two wander back over to Jake, who's aunt had seemingly disappeared for now.

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