[Chapter 8]

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"Wow this is actually pretty decent." Jay comments as he enters the cabin, followed by his three roommates. 

The cabin was bigger than expected but nothing incredibly spacious. The walls were lined with light wood, and there were two large windows, one on the left wall and one on the back wall. There were two sets of bunk beds, one on either side of the room, with about 4 feet of floor space in between. Then there was a small chest of draws right next to the door, with a single light switch on the wall above it. 

"Yeah it's nice." Sunghoon hums, casually glancing around the room. His attention soon falls on the sleeping arrangements. "So who wants which bed?"

"Dibs on the top bunk!" Riki yells, running over to the right hand side of the room, scaling the ladder as if his life depended on it. As he reaches the top bunk, he pauses, and cocks a brow. "Yo where are the bed sheets?"

Now Riki had mentioned it, they all suddenly noticed the bare mattresses that lay on their bed frames. Maybe it was paranoia, but their first thoughts went to this being another scavenger hunt. Luckily, that wasn't the case, as Jake discovered their bed sheets were folded up in the chest of draws. 

A loud groan escaped Riki. "No way! This is meant to be a vacation! Why have I gotta make my own bed?!"

"Oh this is definitely not a vacation." Jay states, flopping down on the bed bellow Riki's. He pushes his suitcase under the bed, and grabs his backpack, noticing it felt slightly heavier than it should. That's when he remembered the school work Miss Chou had given him. With a sigh he hangs his back pack on the end of the bed, deciding to just unpack later.

"I'll take the top bunk." Jake proclaims, attempting to throw his backpack up there, but fails as his arms buckle under the weight.

Sunghoon just laughs at him, and takes the bottom bunk.

"The top bunk, wow you don't look like the type." Riki's words are laced with surprise, causing Jake to look over at him in confusion. "You seem like the type to be afraid of ducks."

Afraid of ducks? Jake couldn't even begin to figure out what that meant, and why it even related to this conversation. He lent over the bed, locking his confused gaze on the blonde, but the boy only shrugged as if he was used to hearing nonsense like that.

"I wonder why they didn't let us pick who we bunk with." Jay changes the topic, pulling both of his legs up on his bed to sit more comfortably. "It's kinda annoying."

Riki flings himself over the railing, making direct eye contact with Jay while hanging upside down. "Is that your way of saying you don't want to bunk with me? How rude."

"Sure." Jay smirks, flicking the boys forehead. He waits for Riki to get back on his bed, before he continues the conversation, gesturing over to Sunghoon. "You get where I'm going with this Hoon."

"Yeah, If I could chose I'd pick Sunoo." Sunghoon replies. 

"Hey! I've literally been your best friend for seventeen years!" Jake crosses his arms and pouts. 

Sunghoon shakes his head. "Oh come off it, I would have still picked you. You just don't get it because you've never dated anyone before."

If looks could kill, Sunghoon would be six feet under right now. Jake was far from happy having his love life [or lack there of] exposed in front of two popular kids, who definitely didn't struggle in that department. It was impossible to hide his embarrassment, but he still tried, covering his rosy cheeks with his hands.

"You know what Jake?" Riki says brightly. 

 The brunette anxiously responds. "What?"

"You're a bit of a dork but that doesn't mean you can't find love."

Now if that wasn't grounds for wanting the world to swallow him up, Jake didn't know what was. It didn't help that Sunghoon burst into laughter at Riki's words, which definitely made the whole situation worse. Riki barely knew him, but thinks he's dork, so did that mean everyone else in school saw him that way too?


Not even five minutes were spent in the cabin before Hyeongjun went running outside screaming. "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" 

No one could judge him though, since his fellow roommates were right behind him. 

"Fuck off! No way! This can't be real!" Jungwon vents, angrily pacing outside the cabin. 

"I wanna go home." Sunoo mutters, hugging himself in order to calm down.

Heeseung was as equally freaked out as his roommates, but it manifested more into a determination to fix the issue. So he immediately begins his search for Dahyun.

There was no more confusion about whether this retreat was meant to be a relaxing one. The jury was out- it's not. After finally getting their key, the group headed off to their cabin, excited to see where they were staying for the week. Unfortunately, it seemed their cabin was already occupied, and these residents were far from friendly.

"Did you not hear me! There's a wasp nest in our cabin!"

Dahyun nods her head and innocently smiles at Jungwon. "What would you like me to do with that information?"

"Umm I don't know...Get rid of the fucking wasps nest!" 

As Jungwon had fully lost his temper, Heeseung quickly steps in front of the angry boy, trying to deescalate the conversation. Jungwon rolls his eyes, and marches over to Sunoo, dropping his head on his friends shoulder in frustration.

"There's no way we can stay in there-"

"Literally!" Hyeonjun pipes up, interrupting Heeseung. "I've never been stung before! And bugs attack me all the time! It's actually quite impressive that I haven't! My friend Wonjin got stung once and he said it hurt really really bad!" 

These kids were such a handful. Heeseung just wanted to talk to Dahyun and get this all sorted out, but they weren't making this easy for him.

"Could you please remove it?" Heeseung's voice sounded tired, and full of pleading. He needed this wasps nest to be removed, because if it wasn't, then those little aggressive flying demons would be the last of his concerns. He really couldn't deal with much more of Hyeongjun's screaming.

"I wish I could, but that would go against everything you've come here for." Dahyun explains, not dropping that sickly sweet smile. "Think of it as a bonding exercise. You can work as a team to find a solution."

Was this woman crazy? No one could believe what they were hearing. Jungwon was straight up about to punch the woman, if not for Sunoo holding him back. How were a group of four high school students meant to remove a wasps nest on their own? This trip was becoming more and more like a nightmare.

The Retreat | Enha multi shipحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن