[Chapter 18]

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"I don't have the flag!" Jake yells in fear at the sight of another person. 

"Neither do I." Sunoo laughs.

Instantly, Jake relaxes and feels quite embarrassed at his outburst. He rubs his arm sheepishly, mustering up a small smile. "Truce then?"


While he was here with the ravenette, Jake was reminded of his earlier conversation with Sunghoon. "Do you know that Sunghoon's really mad at you?" 

Sunoo furrows his eyebrows "No- what did I do?"

"You took his tail and ran off with Rei apparently."

"He's seriously mad over that? It's just a game."

"Yeah but he said he wouldn't do that to you." Jake replies, letting out a light chuckle.  "You've gotta admit that boys majorly whipped for you, it was bound to hurt his feelings."

"The fact that we're dating doesn't change the game. He wouldn't be acting like this if we were just friends, why does he have to make everything about us dating? Sometimes I think it would be easier if we never got together-" An egregious gasp cuts off his ranting, and he slaps both hands over his mouth. "No no no, I didn't say that!"

Jake had definitely noticed something off about Sunoo over these past couple of days, and he had a weird gut feeling it was due to Sunghoon. However, the couple seemed stronger than ever, so he just pushed those feelings away. Until now, where they resurfaced, and he finally knew that it wasn't all in his imagination.

He slowly walks to Sunoo. "You can talk to me about anything remember, and it'll stay between us." He says softly, opening his arms to Sunoo. 

The boy hesitates for a few seconds, before stepping forward into Jake's hug. "I know, but I'm not ready to talk about it yet."


They were already about ten minutes into their game, but Gaeul was struggling to find anyone. She held a bright orange tail [Previously belonging to Jungwon] in her hand as she was running around the woods, eyes flickering in all different directions, desperate to find another person before Rei inevitably returns with the oppositions flag.

Team A was definitely one of the weakest teams, and she'd feel very disappointed in herself if she didn't steal at least one more tail. While glancing around the area, it's actually her ears that pick up on the presence of another person. The slow crunching of leaves alerts her to a sneak attack, which actually gets her quite excited, with a smirk she spins around, shouting "Boo!" To whoever her challenger was.

Yujin flinches and stumbles back, her hands bawling into fists as they drop to her side. "You're so annoying!" She snaps.

"And you're bad at sneak attacks." Gaeul laughs, crossing her arms smugly. "How about you make this easy for yourself? Just hand over your tail."

"Well I'm not going to do that..." Yujin starts to panic slightly as Gaeul approaches her with a devilish grin. Each step Gaeul takes forward, she takes one back, all the way till her back hits a tree and she had no where to go. "This isn't fair." 

"You chose to do it the hard way." Gaeul mutters lowly, suddenly slamming her hand onto the tree beside Yujin's face. No matter how menacing she tried to appear, she still had to go up on her tippy toes to reach Yujin's height. "I want your tail, and you're gonna give it to me." As she tries to lean in closer, she looses balance from being on her tippy toes, and falls forward.

Instinctively, Yujin grabs her waist to hold her steady, and their faces end up only inches away from each others. They stand there frozen just staring into each others eyes, with all thoughts of the game slipping from their minds.

"Back off Gaeul!"

The two girls snap back to reality, with Yujin letting go of Gaeul's waist and Gaeul awkwardly stepping to the side. They both turn to the blonde strolling over to them.

"I can take both of you, so don't try anything." Gaeul states confidently.

However, Jiwon didn't seem affected by the threat, actually, she didn't seem to have a care in the world. "Oh I won't be doing anything, it's you who'll be handing over your tail to me." 

"Why would I do that?" Gaeul questions in disbelief. 

"Because I know your little secret..." Jiwon's eyes flicker to Yujin for a second, and she laughs as Gaeul's face drops. "So unless you want me to share that info, you'd better give me your tail."

This was ridiculous and extremely unfair, but it wasn't against the stated rules, so there was nothing she could do. With no other option, Gaeul pulls off her tail, and gives it to Jiwon.

"You're such a good girl." Jiwon comments, cockily patting Gaeul's head.

The brunette shakes her hand off, and pulls out her phone, knowing she needed to alert her teammates to Jiwon's strategy.

Team O-h we got this in the baggggg💪

Watch out guys Jiwon's playing dirty

Not even thirty seconds pass after the message was sent, when the speakers blare.

"Team O has won the game. They have been awarded 1 point."

There's one person she can't get one over on

"What? There's so much time left!" Jiwon squeals in annoyance.

Gaeul laughs at the message she just received, and decides to show it to Jiwon, just to rub their win in even more. "Looks like you've been out done by your little lackey." She says in a teasing manner, waving the phone screen in Jiwon's face.

The girl grabs the phone, reading over the message carefully. "Ugh! When was she good at stuff like this!"

"Maybe you never knew because you never let her have a life." Gaeul replies, snatching back her phone. "I swear all you do is boss her around, are you even her friend? Just food for thought." She adds, wandering off to join her team.

It was undeniable that Gaeul's words affected Jiwon. "Well she likes working for me!" She shouts frantically.

"You see it should be with you, not for you!" Gaeul shouts back.

This enrages Jiwon even more, causing her to angrily throw Gaeul's tail at Yujin, then storm off back to their starting point.

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