Part 59

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It had been hours since I left the motel room, and I was now staring at the old warehouse where I had tracked the vampire that had escaped us. I stared at it, noting all the exits and trying to devise a plan. I had no idea what was inside. Every lead we had indicated only one culprit, but every instinct in my body screamed that something was wrong. 

I twisted the machete in my hand a couple of times, trying to discern how capable I actually was at the moment. Would I be able to take a nest on my own with my injuries? One I knew I could take, perhaps even four or five if I were smart about it. But walking in blind without backup was nothing but foolish. It would have been different had I known what I would face. 

Still, the sting of the others thinking I was incapable of hunting, some obstacle they needed to hold back, gritted on my nerves. My anger flared, and I took a deep breath to calm myself.  There was no use in losing my head. 

With my mind made up, I walked through the doors to the abandoned warehouse. It was quiet, but I didn't let that fool me. Without making any noise, I made my way around the different rooms, ensuring I kept the details from slipping me by. 

Suddenly I halted in my tracks. There was... something—a sound I couldn't place. Then came the scream, and I ran toward it. My hand itched to swing the machete as I slowed outside a room where it sounded like fighting had come from. I quietly peeked through the door, and the sight in front of me chilled me to my bones. 

Gordon Walked had his hands over the head of a girl strung up from the ceiling. His hand gripped her chin while his other hand braced her shoulder, and then he tore her head clean of her body. I stared at the scene. I could tell she had already turned into a vampire, so there was nothing I could do to save her. I'd have to kill her myself later if I intervened, but the sheer brutality... A shiver went up my spine. 

A second girl hung to the ceiling next to the first one; she was the one screaming, alerting me to where they were. 

Gordon carelessly threw the head to the floor and turned to the second girl. If she was anything like the girl the boys and I had hunted down earlier, she barely knew what was happening. The utter look of terror in her eyes made me feel sad for her. 

He gripped her head as well, beginning to pull, and I just couldn't watch it. I turned my head away. At least it went fast. When the second 'thud' sounded as her head hit the floor, I glanced back into the room. How the hell did Godon Walker become so strong?

A creeping sense that something was wrong gripped me as I pulled out my gun from the back of my waistline. I double-checked the top bullet, making sure it was the one with his name on it, and then I opened the door. 

I realized what was wrong the second he looked at me. His eyes were bloodshot, and he looked like a dead man. The sharp second set of teeth under his dark lips wasn't my only evidence. Hir reflexes seemed sharper, his sheer strength and the look in his eyes... pure hunger. The hunter was dead, and in front of me stood a newly made vampire. 

"Oh, Gordon." I couldn't help the sympathy that seeped through the cracks. 

"Willow." He took a few steps toward me, and I swiftly lowered my gun, realizing it would do me no good. Instead, I held up my machete before me, taking a step back to create distance. "Where is the rest of the Scooby gang?"

"On their way," I lied. "I'm sorry this happened to you. I wanted to be the one to finish you off." He didn't smile. "I guess I at least get a second chance."

He lunged for me, and I ignored the pain in my leg as I kicked him in the chest. He took a step back, and I swung, splitting his cheek open but earning a fist to my nose. 

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