Part 51

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We didn't have to wait long for the demons to come after us, but we had a plan by then. Almost.

"Here we go," Dean said after cocking his salt-loaded shotgun. The radio announced the demons approached, kicking on by itself.

It was dark outside and hard to see through the dense forest surrounding the house we squatted in.

"Tamara!" The yell from outside made my blood chill. Isaac's voice. "Tamara! Tamara!" he continued to cry. I glanced over to the hunter. The anguish in her expression made my leg start to jump up and down. "Tamara! Help me! Pleeeeeeease!"

"Don't be stupid," I told her, noting her hesitant movement towards the door. I pinned her with a look.

"Tamara! I got away, but I'm hurt bad! I need help!" Isaac's voice continued to call from outside. We had both seen him die, but Tamara looked haunted. Perhaps I shouldn't be so surprised.

"It's not him," Bobby assured her, seeing the same conflict in her that I did. "It's one of those demons. It's possessing his corpse."

She clutched her Palo Santo so tightly that her knuckles turned white.

The demon in Isaac's corps began to bang on the door. "Baby! Why won't you let me in? You left me behind back there. How could you do that? We swore ... At that lake in Michigan. Remember? We swore we would never leave each other!"

"How did he know that?" Tamara sobbed, turning to us for answers.

"You saw him die, Tamara. You know that's not him," I sternly reminded her.

"Steady, Tamara. Steady, Tamara, steady, steady..." Bobby warned her, repeating the same words repeatedly as if it were a mantra.

"You just gonna leave me out here? You just gonna let me die?! I guess that's what you do, dear! Like that night those things came to our house... came ... for our daughter!" I froze at the demon's words. It was a typical hunter's story, tragic in every aspect. "You just let her die, too." It was the killing blow. Tamara couldn't take it anymore.

"You son of a bitch!" She screamed, swinging the door open, effectively breaking the salt lines, and launched herself over the demon.

"Tamara, no!" Bobby protested, but it was too late. She had already tackled Isaac down the stairs leading up to the house and plunged the wooden stake into his chest.

"You're not Isaac!" Tamara bellowed a reminder to herself more than anything. Even from inside the house, I could hear the burning of flesh and the demon's screams.

Once the salt lines were broken, I got to my feet. Five demons hurried inside, and four went up the stairs to where Sam and Dean were getting ready. One went after Bobby, and he nodded for me to go help the boys.

One-on-one was better odds than two-to-one, so I did what he wanted and followed the sins. Dean took on a demon in a woman's body on his own, Lust, and I swore quietly as I continued past him. That meant three demons went for Sam.

I hurried down the hallway and watched as the three remaining demons kicked in the door, revealing Sam inside.

"Here's Johnny!" one of them said. He was dressed in a suit, standing tall, and with a smirk on his lips.

I stayed quiet, hoping he would take just one more step. He didn't. He stopped and held up his hand for the others to stop as well before he lifted his gaze to the devil's trap painted on the ceiling.

"Come on," he drawled. "You really think something like that is gonna fool someone like me? I mean, me?"

"Let me guess – " Sam began. "you're Pride."

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