Part 55

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"Don't worry, Bobby'll find a way to break it. Until then, I say we hit Vegas, pull a little Rain Man. You can be Rain Man."

Dean stopped his monologue to hold the door open for me with a charming smile. I narrowed my eyes slightly and gestured for him to follow Sam inside the Biggersons fast food restaurant before me.

"Have I ever told you how beautiful you are when you're angry?"

I sighed and rolled my eyes, walking past him and getting a whiff of his intoxicating smell. I scowled.

"Look," Sam interrupted. "We just lay low until Bobby calls back, OK?" He turned to the guy behind the counter with a polite smile. "Hi, uh, table for three, please."


An alarm went off, and all the staff gathered behind the counter and started clapping and cheering.

"It's exciting, I know," Dean mused with a smile as a large check was shoved into our hands.

"You are the one-millionth guest of the Biggerson's Restaurant family!" the guy behind the counter explained excitedly. The staff behind him started singing, and someone pulled out a camera and snapped a picture before I could protest. Streamers and balloons falling from the ceiling made me jerk in surprise, and I quickly zeroed in on the person with the camera.

I was leaning over the counter, just about to grab her, when Dean's firm hand circled my elbow, holding me back. "We'll be fine, Will. Just leave it."


"I know." His eyes drilled into mine. "You'll be fine. It's just a picture."

I relented, trying to ease the tension in my body as we were led to a booth by the windows.

After we ate, Dean decided to have dessert, so Sammy and I pulled out a computer each and tried to find anything we could about the rabbit's foot.

I finished my coffee quicker than I probably should have and couldn't get my knee to stop bouncing. On top of that, I could taste iron from a cut I got fretting my lip.

"Will!" Sam's hand landed on my leg, forcing it to stop, and I snapped out of my head and looked up at him.


"I was saying that Bobby's right. This lore goes way back. Pure Hoodoo. You can't just cut one off any rabbit. Has to be in a cemetery, under a full moon, on a Friday the thirteenth."

I nodded in agreement, since I hadn't found anything that suggested anything else, and glanced over the table at Dean, who was devouring the last of his ice cream.

He declared, "I think from now on, we only go to places with Biggerson's," only to get brain freeze a second later, doubling over with a hand to his head.

I finally gave in to my anxiety and stood from the table, "I can't concentrate knowing they have a picture of me. I'm just gonna go make sure they delete it." I slipped off before either brother could protest or try to talk me out of it. Some habits die hard.

It took me less than a minute to find the person with the camera, only to be informed that the picture was uploaded on their website. I clenched my fists at my side. "I don't think you understand our situation," I began, flashing my fake FBI badge. "I need to delete the picture from the camera and website. See those guys over there?" I pointed to Sam and Dean, who had a waitress at the table filling up their coffee. She spilled some on the table and hurried to clean it up. Sam was blushing while he reassured her, shooting Dean a look that told me the younger Winchester boy was thinking with his downstairs brain for once. I smirked. "They're in witness protective custody," I whispered in a conspiratorial voice.

As It Was - Dean WinchesterOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora