Part 16

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"Anything?" Sam asked as I let my EMF reader scan the walls. I shook my head in disappointment.

"Nothing. You?"


"This place gives me the creeps," I admitted and helt my EMF reader up to the ceiling.

"I know what you mean. It's like you can feel the bad energy," Sam agreed. "Think Dean and Jo got better luck?"

"They're probably too busy gazing into each other's eyes," I mumbled, more to myself than anyone, but Sam heard me. He turned to me with a smirk.

"If I didn't know any better, I'd say you sound jealous," he stated. I glared at him skeptically.

"I can hardly stand to be in the same room as him. Sam, I hate to break it to you, but your brother is the most annoying person on this planet." The younger Winchester didn't drop his smirk.

"You keep telling yourself that." He continued to sweep against the walls. "I can tell you one thing, though. He likes you."

I laughed at his words, "Sam, he is up there probably locking lips with Jo as we speak," I argued but couldn't help the blood that flushed to my cheeks.

"No, he sees her as a little sister he needs to protect. Trust me, I know my brother."


"When you get together, I'll say, 'I told you so.'" He nudged my shoulder with his, and I forced a laugh again.

"And when we don't, I'll say the same thing to you." We shook hands on it.

We had moved on to the bottom floor, and when Sam ran his EMF close to a ventilation, and it beeped distinctively.

"Oh god, ghost's in the vents." I groaned." Kind of reminds me of a case I worked."

"Yeah?" Sam asked, waiting for me to continue while he unscrewed the large ventilation cover with a pocket knife.

"I was working with Caleb in Minnesota looking for one majorly pissed of spirit. Old house, super-rich owners." I began while Sam shone his flashlight inside. "There was EMF in the old food elevator. The thing ran from the old worker's kitchen on floor level all the way to the attic. It must have been the most unstable thing ever." I watched as Sam tried to get into the small hole to get a better look and sighed, gesturing for him to move aside since he was way too big.

"Long story short, I climbed into the damned thing and was supposed to be bait. But the rope broke, and I got stuck between the walls and the ventilation in the basement." I put my head into the ventilation shaft and squeezed an arm inside to hold the flashlight.

"You okay?" Sam asked, and I called back that I was. "How did you get out?"

I turned to look at the sides, it wasn't much of ventilation, it was just a hole into the space in between the walls. "Caleb went to get a sledgehammer. The owners were pissed. Found the ghost's bones tough." There was something on the ground, just a bit further away. I tried to reach it, but I couldn't press in any further without actually getting stuck, even if this particular ventilation seemed bigger than the rest.

I shone my flashlight over the area and found what looked like melted lickerish. "I found more ecto," I called back to Sam.

"You should come out. We'll sweep the rest of the floor and then meet up with the others." I felt how Sam put a hand on my back, trying to stabilize me when I wiggled my way out.

Suddenly something grabbed my arm, making me drop my flashlight. With a hard tug, I was pulled into the position I'd been in when reaching out for the ectoplasm.

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