Part 43

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"From the night of Brad's stage dive. All of a sudden, I'm getting electromagnetic readings up the wazoo," Dean told us as we walked outside. "For some reason, it's a legit haunting now."

"What the fuck is going on here?" I mumbled, furrowing my brows. 

"Well, who's the ghost, Dean? What's it want?" Sam asked.

"I don't know. I think we should take a look at Brad's death scene."

We walked outside to the lot, and just as we were about to cross over to the trailers, a woman on a mini scooter drove past us. I blinked when she stopped and rolled back a few feet so she was directly in front of me. 

"Miss Sharon?"

"Yeah, this is Sharon," Dean confirmed, snaking an arm around my waist. "How are you, Stacy?"

The woman on the mini scooter smiled and nodded. "I'm good. McG sent me over to give you the script, Sharon." She held out some papers, and I reached out to grab them. 

"Thank you?" The words came out more similar to a question. Stacy smiled and continued on her way. "What the hell, Dean." 


"Did you tell her I wanted a script?"

"McG asked if you wanted one. I thought it couldn't hurt." He winked at me and hurried into the trailer. 

Dean popped a DVD into a TV as Sam, and I sat down. "Hey, where'd you get this DVD?" The younger hunter asked.

"They're called dailies. I got it from Cindy. She's kind of got this on-and-off thing going with Drew. He dubbed me an extra copy," Dean explained.

We watched the footage of the scene, and I was struck by how bad this movie was. 

"All right, here's where the guy fell through the roof," Dean warned us.


"All right, here we go."

"They must have super-hearing." Someone on the video said, barely finishing his sentence before Brad fell through the set's ceiling and a high-pitched scream was heard from one of the actresses.

"Wait," I said, catching a glimpse of something in the background. "Go back to right before Brad took the swan dive." Dean began to rewind the tape. "Play." I waited for a moment. "Wait! There." Dean paused the footage, and I pointed to the figure in the background. A woman dressed in all white. We couldn't see her face, and the film's last few seconds were blurry.

"It's like 'Three Men and a Baby' all over again," Dean stated. Sam and I shared a confused look. "Selleck, Danson, and Guttenberg. And... I don't know who played the baby," Dean said as if that would explain everything.

"What's your point?" Sam wondered.

"There's a scene in the movie where people say that the, the camera caught a ghost on film," Dean told us. "Apparently, in the background of one of the scenes, there was this boy that nobody remembers from set. Spirit photography."

"It's kind of like the EVP that gets picked up on recordings," I explained, familiar with the subject. "Ghosts are mostly invisible to the naked eye. There is a tone of lore about how they exist on a different level of our universe. Some call it the Vail; some say it's the Grey Zone. Either way, it's something about ghosts in the Vail that makes the particles gather in a way that makes them invisible to us, some reflective, some outright visible on cameras." I chuckled to myself. "There is this photograph of Mary Todd Lincoln where it looks like her husband..." I cut myself off, waving a hand. "Like I said. A tone of lore."

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