Part 58

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"Go, go, go!" I yelled as the others finally caught up. I blinked and held onto the ground, trying to stop the spinning. Being thrown into a wall head-first wasn't really something I wanted to do again. Liam stopped by me, checking to make sure I was alright. 

"Hey, hey. Don't worry. We're gonna call you some help, okay?" Sammy said, skinking down by the man that was the reason for my uncarefulness. I had been checking to make sure he was alive when I had been jumped from behind. Blood was pouring out of his neck, but with pressure applied and help as soon as possible, he would live. 

"Where is she? Where'd she go?!" Dean yelled, and I used my casted arm and pointed down the ally the girl had disappeared into. 

"Lo, you're bleeding," Liam told me, but my head had stopped spinning, and I quickly wiped away the trickle of blood that rad down my forehead. 

"Out of my way," I mumbled, pushing him away. Then I was on my feet again, my left hand with a firm grasp around my machete. I ignored the pain in my leg, refusing to admit that I wasn't fit to hunt yet. 

"Smell that?! Come and get it!" Dean yelled from up ahead. I slowed, knowing I'd ruin his trap if I showed myself too soon. I peeked around the edge of the building.

Dean stood with his arm held out, a fresh cut dripping blood. A young woman approached him, and from behind, I couldn't see the blood on her chin or her extra set of sharp teeth that I had glimpsed when we fought. From my angle, she looked like a young woman on her way home from the club—a lie. 

"That's right. Come on. I smell good, don't I? I taste even better." Dean dropped his machete when he noticed she hesitated to move on him. "Come on! Free lunch!"

And she charged. I ran forward, just a second behind her, as she launched herself ahead and sunk her teeth into Dean's neck. He grabbed her by the hair, pulling her off the best he could as he plunged a syringe with dead man's blood into the vampire's neck. It only took a second before she convulsed and fell to the ground unconscious.

"Whoo!" Dean called out in victory. I stared at him, evaluating how fit he was to hunt. It was a ballsy move. Maybe too ballsy. Sam and Liam came up behind me, both with frowns. "What?"

"Cutting it a little close, don't you think?" Sam commented.

"Ah ... that's just chum in the water. Worked, didn't it?" Dean chirped. 

I exchanged a glance with the younger Winchester, and I knew we shared an idea of what we thought of his little stunt.

Dean didn't seem bothered at all. He just looked down at the cut he had made on his arm and said, "Ow."


The motel we had chosen was worse than usual. We covered the walls and windows with mattresses and created a small fortress inside the motel room before we brought our vamp inside, tying her to a chair. 

"You with us?" Dean asked the second she showed signs of waking up. She shrugged away from him, only to realize she was trapped. I refrained from cringing, remembering how Liam and I had been tied up, similarly not that long ago. "Oh, yeah, sorry. You're not going anywhere." Dean continued to taunt.

"Where's your nest?" Sam asked.

The vampire looked confused. "What?"

"Your nest... where you and your bloodsucking pals hang out," Dean demanded. 

"I don't know what you're talking about," She claimed, and both brothers rolled their eyes. Liam hung back, arms crossed over his chest, but I took her in. Her actions, body language, and mannerism. "Please! I don't feel good."

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