Part 28

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"Good morning," I whispered, crawling back into bed after brushing my teeth and taking a well-needed shower.

"It's not even six," Dean complained, glancing over to an alarm clock on the bedside table. "I didn't think you'd be up until noon."

His hair was messy from sleeping, and I had to bite my lip as I watched him drag his hand through it.

"I'm a morning person," I offered as an explanation, not wanting to tell him I had spent the better part of three hours puking my guts out in the bathroom. Dean hummed suspiciously as an answer, blinking away the sleep and trying to wake up fully. The freckles splayed over his face somehow seemed more prominent in the pale light fighting its way in through the curtains.


I realized I was staring at him and blushed but still couldn't stop smiling.

"Nothing," I hummed and moved to straddle him. With one leg on each side of his hips, I softly kissed his plump lips. His hands found my legs, gently caressing my soft, naked skin. "I'm just... glad you came back and slept here."

"You asked me to," he pointed out, smirking.

"I know. I just figured you went back to Sam." My fingers traced patterns over his chest, feeling his firm muscles under his shirt. I looked down into his eyes.

"Why would I do that when I had the opportunity to sleep next to you?" He quirked a brow, and I smirked down at his boyish grin.

"Perhaps you had some more antiquing to do." I could see the realization set in, and his face contorted into a grimace. The next thing I knew, I was flipped over, pinned to the mattress.

"Shut up," he groaned into my neck, leaving wet kisses over my skin. I moaned when he graced my jaw with his teeth playfully.

"Dean." His eyes darkened at the tone of my voice, and I wrapped my arms over his shoulders, tugging at his shirt, and in a joined effort, we removed it completely. I had trouble focusing on anything but him with his lean muscles on display. He'd be my undoing. A blessing and a curse.

One of his hands roamed up from my leg and up under my shirt, gracing the underside of my boob. My skin tingled at his touch, and I closed my eyes at the pleasure. Suddenly, he eased up on the pressure and helped me sit up so he could take it off completely. He pressed into me, making me well aware of how hard he was. I moaned into our kiss as he gently caressed my body.

I did my best to get as close to him as I possibly could, arching my back off the mattress and pressing our chests together. But it wasn't enough. It would never be enough. I needed him closer. I needed more than just his hungry kisses. I needed everything. 

The boyish grin on his lips made my heart race with anticipation, and when his tongue peeked out to grace his lower lip, I knew exactly how my morning would go.


Stepping into Sam's room, the first thing I heard was his groaning from the bathroom floor. The door was open, and I could see him hunched over the toilet, just like I had been a couple of hours earlier. 

"How you feeling, Sammy?" Dean called, amused, winking at me. "I guess mixing whisky and Jäger wasn't such a gangbuster idea, was it?"

"It seemed like a great idea at the time," I mumbled, walking over to the research we had left on the table and praying to all the gods that Sam didn't remember anything, not what I had told him and not what he had made Dean promise.

"I'll bet you don't remember a thing from last night, do you?" Dean continued from behind me as if reading my mind.

"Ohh, I can still taste the tequila," Sam groaned, and Dean smiled in relief before noticing me watching him. I quickly averted my eyes and ran a hand over my hair. I didn't have the energy to braid it, so I just kept it in a ponytail.

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