Part 42

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"First opened in 1927, the lot has been in continuous operation for eight decades," the tour guide announced. I rolled my eyes and huffed out a breath.

"Hey, you know this is where they filmed 'Creepshow'?" Dean asked the kid sitting next to him, eating his ice cream. The kid just looked at him without answering, and I leaned over to Sam, who sat next to me. 

"Do you think Dean is secretly the same age as that kid?" I asked, pulling a hair through my wavy hair. I had decided to let it down for the day, initially expecting to sunbathe all day before there was a change of plans. And weather. 

Sam smirked and nodded. "Mentally? Yeah." 

I nodded to myself and tried to stop my leg from bouncing.

The boy looks at him like he's a doofus and says nothing.

"Now, to the right, here is Stars Hollow. It's the setting for the television series Gilmore Girls. And if we're lucky, we might even catch one of the show's stars," the tour guide explained. 

"O.M.G! I had the biggest crush on the guy who played Dean– Jared Padalecki," I exclaimed, faking excitement.

Sam got an uncomfortable look on his face. "Is that polish?"

I glanced over my shoulder to Dean, who looked like a kid on Christmas morning, making thumbs up to me, seemingly glad that I was enjoying the tour – oblivious to my sarcasm. I rolled my eyes and got out of the trolly. 

"Come on," Sam told his brother somewhere behind me. 

"Let's finish the tour!" The older Winchester complained.

"Dean!" I called ut, not in the mood to mess around.

He stepped off the trolly and jogged up beside me with a massive grin on his face, looking in every direction. "Sammy, check it out, it's Matt Damon!" 

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's not Matt Damon," Sam answered, and I snickered when I looked over to the man Dean indicated. 

"No, it is," Dean claimed, dropping his smile and pretending he knew best.

"Well, Matt Damon just picked up a broom and started sweeping," Sam pointed out, and a smirk tugged at my lips when I looked at Dean. He was cute. Super excited to be there.

"Yeah, well, he's probably researching a role or something."

"Ahhh, I don't think so," Sam pushed. He slowed his steps. Reading the same sign I was, he pointed in between two buildings. "Hey, this way, uh, I think Stage 9 is over here."

"Come on, man, let's keep going this way," Dean begged, wanting to continue on the path we were on.

"Please, can we just get this over with?" I asked. Dean sighed deeply.

"Dude, you wanted to come to LA," Sam pointed out.

"Yeah, for a vacation. I mean, swimming pools and movie stars! Will in a bikini. Not to work."

"This seem like swimming pool weather to you, Dean? I mean, it's practically Canadian."

I turned my head up to the sky, letting the light drizzle wash my face. "I like the rain," I mumbled, not seeing a problem with it.

"Yeah," Dean mumbled, watching me for a second before turning back to Sam. "I just figured that, you know, after everything that happened with... Madison, y-you could use a little R-and-R, that's all." I elbowed his side discreetly.

As It Was - Dean WinchesterOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz