Part 32

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The sprawled out papers in front of me made no more sense to me now than they had a few months back, and it made my skin prickle with annoyance. I was on the floor, bent over all my research on the demon John and I had been tracking. The possibility that it might lead me to the answer to the mystery of the psychic children, the soldier in a coming war. John Winchester's deepest secret.

I glanced back at Dean Winchester, who was currently lying on one of the motel beds, headphones in his ears and a phone in hand. He was staring up into the ceiling with a smile on his lips that looked like pure bliss. The bed he was lying on vibrated so hard that I could feel it from where I was, and he was definitely enjoying the magic fingers a bit too much.

I turned back to my research, pulling out some of the old statistical overviews I had printed, and sighed deeply when I found nothing new.

"Hey," Sam's hand appeared in front of me, snapping his fingers. I blinked, digging myself out of my head, and looked up at him. He walked over to the bed and smacked Dean on his boots. "Hey!" He said louder, trying to speak over the music in Dean's headphones. The older of the two opened his eyes but made no effort to move from his comfortable spot.

"Hey. Man, you gotta try this," Dean smiled. "I mean, there really is magic in the 'magic fingers.'" Sam looked down at me on the floor, giving me a pleading look as if I could tell his brother what it all looked like. I cocked a brow at him, telling him he had to figure this one out on his own. I had already tried multiple times.

Sam got an uncomfortable look and looked away, anywhere but at his brother. I smirked when I noticed his eyes got stuck on the picture of a naked woman hanging above the bed before finally flicking down to the floor.

"Dean, you're enjoying that way too much. It's kind of making me uncomfortable."

"What am I supposed to do?" Dean complained. "I mean, you've got us on lockdown here, I'm bored out of my skull."

I rolled my eyes. "You could help out with research," I mumbled. Sam gave me a knowing look before turning back to Dean.

"Hey, you were the bank robber on the eleven o'clock news, not me. We can't risk you and Will just walking into a government facility."

Dean only hummed in response, and Sam waved a dismissing hand at him and walked off to the bathroom. There was a 'ding' as if on cue, and the bed stilled. Dean looked around for a second confused why the bed had stopped.

"Aw, dammit! That was my last quarter," he drawled in the thickest accent I'd ever heard him use. "Hey! You got any quarters?" he called to Sam as he got up from bed,

"No!" Sam called back, and Dean turned to me with a questioning look.

"I've told you to shut that thing off like five times. You think I'm gonna give you money so you can continue?" I asked, knowing I sported a bitchface.

Dean sighed in defeat and headed over to the bathroom, where Sam washed his hands with the door open.

"So, did you get in to see that crazy hooker?" Dean asked, leaning against the doorframe.

"Yeah. Gloria Sitnick. And I'm not so sure she's crazy," Sam informed us once I reached Dean's side.

"But she seriously believes that she was... touched by an angel?" I rolled my eyes every time I heard it.

"Yeah. Blinding light, feelings of spiritual ecstasy, the works. I mean, she's living in a locked ward, and she's totally at peace."

"Oh yeah, you're right, sounds completely sane. What about the dude she stabbed?" Dean continued.

As It Was - Dean WinchesterDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora