Part 46

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"Okay, guys. Next question!" I grinned, looking into the pouring rain for a moment while I was thinking. "Who would win a fight, Liam or Ash?"

"Easy," Sam puffed. "Liam." 

"Don't let appearances fool you, Sammy," I laughed. 

"You're kidding, right?" Dean mused. "Ash is a twig. Liam would snap him in two."

"What if I told you they have fought once and that Ash won?"

"No," Sam said, leaning over the bench seat to look at me. "That can't be true."

"Are you calling me a liar?" I asked, raising a brow at him. I stared into his eyes with amusement once he realized I was serious. "Ash took him down like a tree. It was hilarious. I would pay good money to see it again." 

Sam barked out laughter, trying to imagine it, and I took my opportunity to mess with his hair. He immediately retreated to the back seat, pulling a hand through his hair. Dean just chuckled. 

"Okay," Sam continued after a moment. "Who would win a fight between a... werewolf and vampire."

"Oh, so we're following the topic of mortal enemies?" I mused. I thought about the question for a moment. "Warewolf," I declared. "There is something about the raw animal instinct that I feel would overpower the walking dead.

"I'm with Will on this one," Dean nodded in agreement, flashing me a grin. We passed a sign telling us there was a roadside diner up ahead. "I'm starving; you guys want anything to eat?" 

"I can eat," I declared, and Sam nodded his agreement. 

"We should get it to go, though; I wanna find a motel before dawn." 

"Oh, too bad I can't get my new shoes wet," I said, smirking back to the back seat. 

Sam rolled his eyes at me, knowing I was lying. "I'll go get it. The usual?"

"Yeah," Dean and I said in chorus. Dean turned the music up as we drove the last kilometer.

When we pulled up to the 'Sunnyside diner's parking lot, Boston was playing on the radio, and I hummed along from the passenger seat—enjoying how easy everything felt. The drumming of the rain against the car, the light tapping of Dean's thumb against the steering wheel, the car games we had played all day.

"Hey, don't forget the extra onions this time, huh?" Dean turned to tell Sam and handed him a few bills for our food. 

"Dude, I'm the one who's gonna have to ride in the car with your extra onions," Sam complained from the backseat but opened the door with a sigh when Dean flashed him a smile. 

Just as Sam was going to shut the door, Dean remembered something and turned back to tell him out the open door. "Hey, see if they've got any pie." I rolled my eyes. Sam bent down to look at his brother and gave him a look that could be described somewhere between an eye roll and a bitcheye. "Bring me some pie!" Dean called out again, even though Sam had already shut the door. The older hunter then turned his attention back to me. I looked at him with a raised brow as he cranked the volume up. "I love me some pie," he mumbled and pulled me closer. 

I giggled when his lips met mine and cast a quick look into the cafe to make sure Sam wasn't coming back out yet. I turned back to Dean's hungry lips and let him engulf me in the kiss. His hand found the back of my neck. He tasted sweet, probably from the candy we had shared a while earlier. His other hand found my waist and I tilted my head to the side to give him access to my jaw and neck. He didn't waste any time and began to prop kisses wherever he could reach. 

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