Part 30

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"Cover the door," he demanded before walking back to me and snatching the phone from the wall. I gave him a look as if to say to think this through. But Sam was right. If we didn't call for help, the man might die.

"Look, one of the people could be having heart trouble. You need to send in a paramedic," Sam spoke into the phone after exchanging a few words with the person on the other end of the line.

"Just stay calm, we'll have you folks out of there," the voice on the other end spoke. 

"Just send in a paramedic, okay?" Sam shouted into the phone. "And don't try anything else. Please."

"Paramedic?" the man helping the security guard questioned. "We don't have time for that, man!"

"Listen, I, I, I'm sorry, okay? I am. But nobody's getting out," Ronald told them firmly.

"He's dying right in front of you." 

Sam looked stressed, so I placed a hand on his shoulder to calm him. 

"Help," the guard gasped out.

"Look, I'm sorry, I really am. But we can't let you leave," I told them firmly. 

"You can't really be this heartless," the man scolded me. "You need medical attention just as much..."

"No, I don't," I snapped at him. "You better start thinking carefully about how you want this shitty situation to end because we're doing the best we can here. They will send in a paramedic, and if they don't, we'll deal with it. Now you shut your fucking mouth." 

I grimaced when pain shot up through my body, and I stepped back, leaning against the wall. 

"Yeah, you are the picture-perfect of good health," the man continued, and I glared at him through the open door. Ronald took my place in the doorway, and the man turned to him now. "Come on, man, you've gotta unlock the front door. We've got to get him out of here."

"Both of you stay where you are," Ronald demanded, cocking his rifle. 

"Ronald, you don't need to shoot anyone else," I scolded him, and he flashed me a quick apologetic smile but still held the rifle raised. Movement in the corner of my eye made me turn to see Dean walk over. He whispered a few words to Sam, glancing into the vault. 

I didn't need to hear them to know what they were talking about, but Dean still came over and quietly filled me in.

"Dark guy holding the guard. Just found his body a few rooms over," Dean whispered in my ear. I held back the impulse to just gank him right then and there, knowing I didn't have the strength. 

"You know what, Ronald? He's right, we've got to get this man outside," Sam spoke, walking into the vault to get the guard. "Come on. I've got you."

"Yeah, yeah, let me help you," the shapeshifter spoke and tried to help Sam with the guard.

"Oh, I got him, it's, it's cool. Thanks," Sam said, shooting down his offer.

"Thank you. Thank you," the guard mumbled as Sam half carried him out.


"... Thank you."

I stared at the shifter, twisting the silver letter opener behind my back.

"Hey, can I talk to you for a second?" Dean asked him once Sam and the guard was out of sight, with Ronald looking after them. 

"You got the gun, man. I mean, whatever." He walked closer.

"Dean!" I called out in a warning once the shifter got too close, but it was too late. He slapped the gun from Dean's hand and shoved his head against the wall, making him fall to the ground dizzy. I quickly stepped in from of him, letter opener in hand. 

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