Part 23

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"Okay, this is with spicy chilly," Dean told me, and I giggled as he held up the dried meat to my face. I took a bite and raised my brows, pleasantly surprised. It was spicy in the best way, making my lips tingle without overheating my tastebuds.

"Yes, I definitely like this one the best," I told him.

"Is that right, huh?" He smiled down at me. "I think the third one we tried was best."

"You haven't even tasted this one yet," I rolled my eyes and unlocked the door to our motel room, stepping inside. Dean grabbed my waist, pulling me back to him, making me giggle like a school girl again.

"Come here and I'll taste--" He stopped mid-sentence, his eyes finding something behind me. "Sam?"

I turned to look and noticed Sam sitting up from the floor, panting heavily. I'd only seen him like that a couple of times before. I grabbed a water bottle from the table and sunk down to my knees next to him.

"Sammy, you okay?" I handed him the water, and he took it and drank deep gulps, nodding. "What did you see?"

We hit the road immediately, and while we were in the car, Sam pulled up the location he wanted us to go to on his GPS.

"There are only two towns in the U.S. named Rivergrove," he stated.

"How come you're so sure it's the one in Oregon?" Dean asked, hands tight on the steering wheel.

"There was a picture. Crater Lake," the younger Winchester explained after a beat of silence.

"Okay, what else?" Dean pressed, and I listened intently.

"I saw a dark room, some people, and a guy tied to a chair."

"And I ventilated him?" Dean continued to ask. I ran a hand over my single braid and looked back to ensure we weren't followed. No headlight behind us in the night.

"Yeah. You thought there was something inside him," Sam tried to explain.

"What, a demon? Was he possessed?" Dean continued asking.

"I don't know."

"Well, all your weirdo visions are always tied to the Yellow-Eyed Demon somehow . . . so was there any black smoke? Did we try to exorcise it?"

"No," Sam told him calmly. "Nothing, you just plugged him, that's it."

"Well, I'm sure I had a good reason."

"I sure hope so," Sam commented, and I sighed, knowing the look Dean gave his brother.

"What does that mean?" He demanded to know. Sam didn't answer him, so he continued. "I mean, I'm not gonna waste an innocent man." There was a moment of silence again. "I wouldn't!" Dean insisted.

Something turned in my stomach, knowing I had done it before. I didn't want to think of the lives I had taken. Innocent humans. I cringed.

"I never said you would!" Sam shot back.


"Fine! Look, we don't know what it is. But whatever it is, that guy in the chair's a part of it. So let's find him, and see what's what."



I rolled my eyes.


We rolled into town in the early morning. I grabbed a couple hours of sleep in the back and woke up feeling well-rested.

The town was small; you could see basically all there was to it from the main street. A convenience store, a medical clinic, and a fishing store.

As It Was - Dean Winchesterحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن