Part 45

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I don't think I've seen my entire family gathered this way for more than ten years. Liam showed up about ten minutes after my parents, and we all decided to go for lunch together while Caleb introduced everything 'we' knew about our Rawhead case. 

"Okay, so there are about seven of them haunting an abandoned mansion in the woods," Caleb began but was interrupted by my father almost immediately.

"Seven? I've never heard of more than two of them at once before." His gruff voice demanded an answer, and Caleb shot me a look, apparently waiting for me to fill in the blanks. 

I racked my brain, trying to come up with a possible answer. "Maybe they're having a party," I deadpanned, trying to buy some time. I had no idea what Caleb expected me to say.

"Willow," my father said calmly, but I knew it was a reprimand. I shrunk back into the booth at the diner.

I gave Caleb a pleading look, but he just furrowed his brows and made a small gesture as if to say, 'go on'. 

"Okay... I, maybe they've..." I ran a hand over my hair, and I could feel both my parents follow the movement. Realizing this wasn't a family dinner but a strategic meeting, I straightened my back and cleared my throat. They were expecting me to be professional like they trained me to be. "Rawheads rarely gather," I began again. "the only reason they hunt in pairs, to begin with, is to be efficient in their kills. Maybe there is an abundance of food nearby or..." A new thought struck me. "Maybe they're being summoned."

"Summoned?" Dad repeated. 

"It's not unheard of," mom shot back. "But that's not your everyday summoning ritual." She shook her head and looked back to Caleb, waiting for him to continue.

"Dermont Clerrance. He was a priest, but two years ago, he was dispelled from the church after allegations of pedophilia. The case didn't hold up in court due to a technicality, but the first two kids to disappear were also the first to speak up against him. Ten kids have gone missing so far. We're guessing it's just a matter of time before their bodies turn up downstream."

"Do the priest still live close by?" Liam asked, looking at the papers Caleb had spread out on the table. 

"The mansion is here," Caleb pointed to a map. Indicating a spot by a lake. "The priest lives on the other side of the water." He dragged his finger over the map to show us.

"So this priest's into dark magic?" Liam asked, and Caleb nodded once to confirm. 

"Okay. We'll take out the Boogymen first, then Willow takes care of the priest," Dad decided. As usual, his decision was final, and no one argued with him. Besides, it was the same thing I would have done. Rawheads first, make sure the kids that might still be alive get to safety. Then the priest, to make sure he couldn't do it again.

I swept my eyes over the room by habit, and when I looked out the window, I caught a glimpse of green eyes. Dean Winchester was standing on the other side of the road. And that's when I knew for sure; it hadn't been a dream. Dean Winchester was my reality; past, present, and future. He didn't smile, didn't move. Just looked at me, waiting.

Rising from my seat, I hurried out the door to get to him, never letting him out of my sight. He was waiting for me. He was alive. I could hear my family call my name, but I ignored them. His face gave me a moment of clarity. They were the dream. They had been my wish. 

Dean was real. Sam was real. I had known them. 

I only looked to my left to make sure I wasn't hit by a car before I crossed the street, but when my eyes searched for him again, he was gone. 

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