~ Chapter 43 ~

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As they already went inside the second floor , they didn't know that someone was slowly approaching them.

Suga POV

I was pulling jin hyung from outside the window. He was the last person to go up.

Jin: yoongi! don't you dare let go off me ( He whispered in fear )

Me: like I want to do that in this situations Hyung! please focus ( I whispered back in anger and pulled Jin inside )

Namjoon: Shhh~. . . be quiet will ye ? ( He shush us )

Jimin: Hey guys . . . did you hear that? like someone is coming (He said )

Jungkook: ON THE RIGHT ! (He whispered sternly )

" Shoot are we getting caught ? " . I thought as I hold onto the handgun. As the footsteps getting nearer and closer, I can feel my heart went crazy till a (c/s) glittering cuffed leg appeared infront of us followed by another one. My eyes quickly darted to the face. My heart were now explode into million pieces. It was y/n now standing infront of us.

y/n: Guys...? is that you? ( She asked hesitantly )

We immediately recognized her voice and ran towards her. All of us were hugging her like there's no tomorrow. We pulled away and bombard her with multiple questions.

y/n: Guys~ guys ~...I'm fine really ( She said reassuringly )

Jimin: but why are your hands and legs got cuffed? Did they do something bad to you? ( He growled in anger )

y/n: They restrained me on top of a king size bed with a chained but I got escape when they unlocked the chained.....and almost did something bad. ( she explained simply while answering Jimin's questions )

Me: I'm so gonna kill that person . . .( I was furious )

It's not just me, all of us were. We're so furious after hearing what y/n just told us. " How dare they did this to y/n... I'm gonna kill whoever did this!" .

Hobi: Oh my goshh!... Y/N!!! WHAT HAPPEN TO YOUR DRESS!!! (He whispered quietly holding both of her shoulders )

I just realized that her beautiful dress were now shreaded into uneven skirt. " Who the F***!!! DID THAT !!! ". I clenched my fist so hard till my knuckles turned white. I saw the nervousness in her eyes.

y/n: Hobi!.... I'm so sorry... I had to shread it apart so that I can escape easily...... but I promise you... I'll pay you back (she said now showing her worried face instead of feeling scared of getting kidnap )

She was fidgeting while waiting hobi's answer. " She got more worried about hobi's feelings rather than her owned life?". As I looked at her in awe. Hobi stood infront of her for awhile, when suddenly he hugged her tightly.

Hobi: How silly of you... I'm more worried about you rather than the dress... how could you been so dumb ( he said hugging her even tighter )

y/n slowly hugged him too and pulled him away before hobi giving her a pinched at both side of her cheeks, earning a quite giggle from her that I've missed so much.

y/n: but why are you guy here? (She asked tilted her head in confused )

Me: What? We here to safe you... You idiot (went mad a bit by her dense brain, while walking towards her )

She went silent and said.

y/n: ......you guys willingly to save me despite the dangerous consequences? (She said in surprised )

All of us: Of course! (we whispered quickly )

she faced down on the floor in silence, till we heard her faint sniffles. " wait?? is she crying?" .

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