~ Chapter 15 ~

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Arrived at my classroom, I notice that half of my classmate already came and also for the girls who trying to beat me up yesterday. They were looking at me and just stared at me the whole time. I refused to know their hearts cause I know they hated me for what I did to them. But the weird thing was that, They wore their uniforms normally. No tight cloths, no thick make up and so on. Just a normal student. " and.......why is thattt??!!! did I hit them so hard till I knocked there heads off? that's not even make sense!". I thought to myself still wore my poker face on the outside. I quickly went to my table and sit down properly. I can feel them staring at me the whole time, so I decided to ignore them which I can manage with ease.

For a few minutes of zoning out, I felt a tap on my right shoulder and turned around to see 2 man that were giving me a lot of bad headaches, smiling widely at me. I stared at them annoyed which they didn't even cared, instead smiling even widely till there teeth are showing up and were still standing beside me. I arched one of my eyebrow in confusion to why they aren't seating down yet. It felt like forever even though it was just a short minute, I know what they where waiting for.

Me: Good morning? ( I shortly replied wanted this to be end as soon as possible )

Then the shining bright of light glooming from there faces were shown, I had to squint my eyes. " too bright".

Teahyung & Jungkook : A Good Morning to youu too~~~ Y/n~~ ( they replied happily and went to sit down )

Me: Oowh thought you guys never seat ( I said sarcastically )

Teahyung : Yuuuupp~~ and it will be like that forever till we graduated

Me: What?! that's ridiculous... If I didn't greet you then? do you still standing there till the class is starting? ( disbelieve for what he said )

Jungkook : Yuuup~ we will still standing there till you greet morning to us, even the teacher is scolding us we will still standing there like an idiot.

Me: Whaa..whaa? and do you think I will do that forever? maybe I might let you guys standing there tiredly or maybe give you a sore legs? ( can't bare with this crackheads )

Teahyung : hmmm~~~ so be it, but I know you weren't as cold as that, right kookie~~? ( he faced towards Jungkook with a smirk)

Jungkook : Yuuup~~ ( he said agreeing while closing his eyes )

Me : .and that's where you wrong ( I said to them seriously )..don't trust people too much including me ( I glared at them ) I don't even give a damn about both of you or anyone. ( try to pop there bubble towards reality )

Both of them looked at me and each other.

Teahyung : Hmmmm~~ is up to you, but I'm still gonna do that. How about you kookie?

Jungkook : Absolutely~, maybe I try to stand on top of my chair tomorrow if she doesn't want to greet us ( came with another ridiculous plan )

Teahyung : Uuuu~~ that 's a good idea. I will stand on top of my desk, and then she will feel guilty for not greeting us.

Both of them leaned back and slap there hands together behind me with ease cause they have a very long arm. I facepalmed my face, fed up with this crackheads duo. Then came in our GL teacher, Mr. Lee and our first class began with so much odds and electricity.

For a few hours of studying, we were now in our afternoonbreak period. I know I have to wait for them to eat together with others too. They even threatened me to join them but not today, cause I can feel the girls wanted to see me so badly. Its definitely in a bad way. So before the storm happen, I walked away first, saving my butt. Its not like I'm scared of them. I can easily beat them without breaking any sweats like yesterday. Its just that I don't want to seek another attention from others. I had enough from yesterday event and can't even bare with another new problems, so I don't want to involved any more dramatic scenes again. I then spoke to them....

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