~ Chapter 35 ~

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" Why are they looking at me like that... that's really odd and why is everyone oddly quiet all of a sudden'. I gulped in anxiety. " Is my dress to much or something? Am I not suitable for this beautiful dress? (I look at my surrounding, all the people were looking at me then talking with each other)... what are they talking about?" . My anxiety got the best of me till someone had came to me. It's Hobi.

J-hope: Y/n~ do you want to see the fo- Hey~... what's wrong? ( he said instantly notice my restless face )

He put both of his hands each side of me and duck down looking at me as I was about to hide it.

Me: It's nothing really ( I lied while looking elsewhere but him )

J-hope: Nope your not alright... I can see your face Y/n...( He said worried )

Me: Is it obvious? ( I asked still looking down )

J-hope: yes...and please tell me what's wrong ( He asked softly while putting his index finger under my chin and slowly brought up to see my face )

His face guickly plastered with concern and worried when he saw my face. Little did I know everyone was watching us the whole time and didn't want to destroy.

J-hope: What's wrong? ( he asked again )

Me: I...it's just that everyone were acting very weird. Everyone keep on staring at me and so were the members. I thought that maybe it was because of me. That if I've ruined there mood or something and that's when I got so nervouse and- ( Got stop by his index finger against my lips, gently )

J-hope: Hey hey~~ calm down... take a deep breath and blow it... come on~ follow me ( he said gently showing me how to do it ).

I took a deep breath and exhaled it softly.

J-hope: That's it~... alright listen to me....it's gonna be fine and you look very outstanding in my view and don't care about what others think about you. They're not the one who lead your life style it's you and always been you. You need to be brave and independent, like you've always been. If they were behaving bad to you then I must say that they are a so childish and immatured alright?~ I hope you're understand now ( He asked again holding both of my sides while looking both of my (c/e) eyes caringly )

To be honesy everything he said make sense to me and I now understand and feel better than before. I smiled at him and said.

Me: Yeahh~ you're right. They don't deserved to rule my life... I am.. Thankyou so much Hobi ( I said smiling at him )

J-hope: Good~ that's my girl~ ( He said smiling warmly at me while patting my head gently )

Little did we know that all of our surrounding were squealing quietly at our small talked and some of it were fanning their hand over their red face.

J-hope: So should we go and see what's on the menu? ( he asked smiling at me )

Me: Absolutely ( I said to him )

J-hope: After you Milady~ ( he said gesturing his hand like a prince )

Me: ( chuckled ) very gentlemen~.. ( I compliment him and went to the buffet with him )

J-hope: I am pretty gentlemen ( He said proudly )

Skip to the party

Everyone were having a blast, the party was soo fun and refreshing. I was no longer feel insecure about myself after what Hobi had said to me, and the other members were already went back to their normal self. I don't even know why are they acted like that. I don't hear there heart cause I'm so nervous at that time and not have the time to think of that. But now we're chatting and at our marvelous round table that being covered by a white slik cloth above it. We're living our life to the fullest while eating and drinking. I also got to talk to others. I'm not the one who spoke to them first but they were the one who started it, and that made me even more relax. It was a surprised that I can manage to talk to someone I didn't know and think of a good conversations. But the main point was that they didn't dislike chatting with me instead they're having fun with me. I'm quite shocked by this new experienced.

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