~ Chapter 40 ~

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As the masked man holds my hand, he leads me towards the center of the ball. The audience gave us applaused. " this man is really sus~.... why did he wore a full face masked and a gloved to a ball party except for hobi hyung, I knew it was for performance. But his different. Is he with hobi hyung?". I thought while looking at him.

Masked man: Oh~ my lady~ don't stare at me like that~.... you gave me the chills~ ( he said, I can feel him smiling at me )

I didn't reply and just wait for him to start. He then hold me into a dancing positions, waiting for the music being played. " He gives off a smell of an.....Iron?....what kind of perfume was that....". I tried to sense his heart for safety but it came out very calmed. " hmmm... I think I've watched too much criminal investigations lately...". I thought as a sighed of relief from my mouth but still keeping my guards up. Then the music began.

It started with a solo piano. His grip from my waist and hand slowly tighten and slowly swayed me side to side. He then glide me with ease across the floor swaying side by side circling around the center. I was so amazed by this british man with his black and white masked. His quiet talented and he just stared at my eyes. Deeply. I can't see his expressions. My hearts slowly getting faster and faster following the fast melody the music gets.

His hand that grab my waist hold even tighter right now, when he suddenly swayed us even faster and harder. I gulped at his fast pace. I try to keep up with his steps and manage to do it. I heard a satisfied deep hummed from him. I look at his sharp eyes which his already staring at me. I gulped again, gaining my heart a speed boost. He suddenly leaned me down giving me a low arched while his holding my body. I instantly arched my body and being pulled back up meeting his sharp eyes again.

Masked Man: Impressive~ ( He said deeply )

" Oh myyyy freakingggg!!! this mannnn can be the death of meee seriouslyyyyy!!!". Screaming inside.

Masked Man: Say~.... ( He said suddenly )

I looked up at him, while he sway us around the center.

Masked Man: If someone suddenly broke in this ball and kidnap someone right now.....what will you do? ( He said with his british deep accent )

My eyes widen with his questions.

Me: I stop it ( I said now being serious )

Masked man: Oh really~... you? ( He gave out a deep chuckled as if he didn't believed to what I've just said )

Me: Yeah.... they always laughed at me....till they cried.......because of me ( I said smirking at him evilly )

I can see his eyes widen and went back to normal.

Masked man: .....Hmmm~~... That's quiet interesting Y/n~ ( he said back while twirl me once again and hold me again )

My heart instantly went drop.

Me: I never told my name.... ( I said now earning a large eyes from him )

As the music about to end he then quickly took out a white cloth from his tuxedo. I tried to get away from his strong grip. The members took noticed of this and instantly tried to run towards me but unfortunately his hand made it ways through my nose and mouth, blurring my visions quickly. The last thing I saw was a worried face from all the members and a sudden white fog covered the both of us till all turns black.

Dream School ( BTS x reader )Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum