~ Chapter 17 ~

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As they leaved y/n with Jin, Jungkook suddenly stopped in his tracks and turns around slowly towards Jin. Jin looked at him while putting his arm around y/n's small body for support. Jungkook then looked straight at Jin's eyes and said.

Jungkook: Hyung~... take good care of her ( full of worried )

Jin looked at him full of determined and nodded. Jin then gently brought Y/n to the medic room. It took a few minutes to go there and Y/n didn't change at all. Jin was so worried. This was his first time seeing her soo weak like this and it broke his heart. He bet that the other members also feel worried sick for her and he actually saw a very worried suga whom a very difficult person to show his emotions to the world. They all really missed the cold hearted woman that they really cared soo much and prayed that she'll be fine.

The fact that this was there first time feeling some what protective over someone that doesn't even knew them, automatically put her to the top priority.


As soon as we're arrived, I was greeted by the nurses and Doctors with respect. I nod at them. Then our personal doctor came to me.

Doc: What happened Mr. Jin? can I help you?

Me: I think it's just a minor sickness but can you check up on her? just incase. We don't know what happened to her. She was fine earlier but after the praised she became like this and didn't respond at all.

Doc: certainly Mr.Jin ( He said with determined )

Doc: Nurse please bring her to the VIP section. ( He instructed the nurse )

Then some of the nurse went up to her and gently took her away from me and sit her down on a wheel chair. The doctor asked me to follow him while the nurses followed behind. In front of the VIP, there's a nurse waited for us, she then opened the lock and let us in.

Doc: I'm sorry Mr.Jin. You have to stay outside till I finished checking her up. I know this is just a minor sickness but your health is our priority and we don't want you to get caught because of our carelessness. ( He said seriously )

Me: Alright then~ please take care of her.

Doc: Certainly Mr.Jin~ We will do our best

I then nodded and watched as the doctor went inside with a few nurses. It was already 25 minutes and the doctor were still inside. I'm getting nervous and panic. " I hope she's doing fine" . I intertwined both of my hands and leaned it against my forehead while closing my eyes hoping that she's alright. Then I heard the door opened, I bolted upwards to see a smiling doctor. I stood up and went to him.

Me: So?.... is she alright? ( I asked nervously )

Doc: Yeah she's doing fine~ just her brain seems to be not able to handle a large amount of positivity. If it was medium, she might get uncomfortable or a headache. For now she can only handle a small amount of positivity. I bet she'll be okay in a medium amount or large amount if she had already feel comfortable in repetitive of small positivity. This was actually very rare for me Mr. Jin.... She will feel very uncomfortable by just a bit of kindness from others, and her body can't react to her mind if thats happening.

Me: Yeah~...earlier she was crying but her expression was very normal..

Doc: I see~ I think... before she came here....she's already gotten used to bad things that she don't even know how affection works... This is very rare. So I hope that you guys can change her normal again.

Me: Absolutely doc~ Thankyou so much for your hard work. So how is she right now?

Doc: She's asleep inside and you can visit her. She's fine now ( he said it with a smile )

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