~ Chapter 12 ~

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All of the students were now finished choosing their clubs and lining up neatly. Jimin chooses the dancing club where Jhope was the leader. He said that dancing was always his passion and both of them practice together. While for Namjoon, he chooses book lover club cause he likes to read and learn new things. He also wants to learn all kinds of languages and regions for wisdom.

The seniors are still following us till the class ends cause they had no class for the afternoon. While we were all lined up like earlier and wait for Mr.Lee to instructed us, someone had tap my left shoulder. I turned around looking at him and wait for him to speak.

Suga:...If you have time, you can visit my studio...but if you're too loud I will not hesitate to kick you out. (sternly looking at me)

Me: Oowh really...what makes you want me to visit there? (said cooly)

Suga: tch.....you can hear my songs

Me: is it?..(A bit excited but still motionless)

Suga: If you want to, but in one condition always bring coffee every time you visit my studio (he said smirk)

Me: Deal, instead I'll be bringing 2 coffee cause, I'm a coffee lover myself for your information.

Suga: Tch...whatever you say, just don't forget my coffee (he said in defeat cause I quickly accepted his offer).

Then the first day of school ended like that. It was not like what I've predicted. I want to be a low profile as possible but end up being enemesis for all the girls in this school. Wanted a new normal friend but end up being forced to be friends with 7 most famous men in this school. They went to there own expensive car that are located in the VIP parking load, that's what they told me. Namjoon did asked me that he can drove me home since we're in the same apartment, but I declined it reasonably.

I was walking back to my (f/c) bike to go home, but being interrupted by a group of girls in front of me. The bike park area was located far away from the school and it was located outside of the school, not in the basement for cars.

I then look at them and my surroundings. There are 7 girls all together and notice that it was my classmates. Both fake cute and cheap girls were combining to pick a fight with me, students were nowhere to be found in this area and there's no CCTV in this place just one at the very corner of the building. I think the CCTV will not even capture all of us in this spot. " I need to think fast". I thought to myself, while reaching something in my pocket.

Me: What do you guys want? (try to act all intimidating)

girls 7: It was surprised to see you know us. I thought you wouldn't, cause you always with our boys. We're in the same class as yours and we didn't like the attitude of yours. You always with them and even made them in your side pretty quickly and always made us the bad guy. YOU B**** WHAT DID YOU DO TO THEM!? (angered at me for no reason)

All of the girls are now surrounding me, trapping me inside their trap.

Me: isn't it, you guys that are bad? cause I know for sure all of you are doing it right now, and if you want to be friends with them just go ahead I don't know why are you guys came to me, and for your information they also human beings. Let them feel free once in a while. (being cautious around me)

Girl 7: HAH! like if it is easy. We will do that after we give you a lesson to not interfering with our boys again.

Me: You guys knew that this actually breaking the school's laws and it was on our first day of school. Are you guys dumb or something?

Girl 7: hmmm...yeah we know but we can't handle the hatred inside our heart against you, and besides...there's no one here to witness it and you don't have enough proof that we do it. (smirk evilly to me)

"You wished~ I already record it all you dumb a**. HAHA". I said it on my mind and can't help but smirked at them.

Girls 7: why are you smirking for? you witch...HAHA I think your black magic caught you? hahahah (Now all the girls laughing)

I then stood casually and said

Me: Yeah maybe I do have black magic...(I took out my phone) that caught you all red-handed (Now I'm smirking at them satisfactory)

Girls 7: YOU A**H*** GET THAT PHONE!!!

I then quickly put my phone bag in my pocket and throw my bag away from me. I then prepare myself. All the girls now getting closed to me. I just stood there and wait for the first attack. Then the girl behind me ran towards me and try to punch me from the back, before she ever does that, I swiftly move aside and let her fall forward. I then grab her hand and throw it to the other girl that was running towards me, both of them fall and hit their heads really hard and pass out. " 2 down 5 more to go". I then stance in defense waiting for another attack. The 5 of them were now in front of me. Then the one in the middle starts to running followed by the one beside her. The both of them trying to strike a punch on my face. I ran towards her and as I was about to go near her I split my leg a bit and slide down passed both of them and do low curve kicked at their legs making both of them completely flying and hit their faces on the hard concrete. I then flip back quickly and stance in defense again. " 4 down".

Girl 7: How can you do that!! you're just a nobody!! (being irritated by me)

I then smirked at her.

Me: cause...I'm born with it? ( Playfully shrugged at her )

Girl 7: YOUU...YOUUUUU GET HERRRRR. I WANT HER DEAD (completely bursting out)

At first, both of the girls seems hesitant at first and ran towards me. I quickly dashed passed through both of them and stand in front of the leader girl.

Girl 7: WHA!!?

Me: I make them fall a sleep for a while.

Then both of the girls that were still standing are now collapsing. The last girl went panicked and nervous.

Me: You know...is not nice to force people that they didn't want to do it. ( I said motionless crossing both of my arms against my chest while looking straight at her soul )

Due to her now weak feet, she falls while looking up at me in fear.


Me: Go on then~ report them all about me beating your a** off (I said coolly)

Me: But do you forget...about this...(took my phone out)

I played the record all over again and seeing her in disbelief and defeat.

Me: Yeah..~ go ahead then. I bet you don't have that ENOUGH proof (I said using back her words earlier)

Me: But if you didn't told them, that will be a bummer right~...so should I report it for you then? how about that? I'm being generous you know (I said smirking evilly while looking her, now my bangs really hide my eyes and a very dark aura came out from me)

Girl 7: Please~ Pleaseee I beg youu please don't report it. This is the only chance I get to meet them.

Me: Then used it properly, NOT like this!. This is very childish and dumb. I will let you off this time to learn your mistake and accept it for what you have right now. Don't get greedy. (I said a bit angry at her for her useless most worthless action)

After I said that. I then took my bag where I've thrown out and went to my bike and unlocked it. I then walked out of my bike and halt in front of the girls.

Me: Hey you (I shortly called for her)

she flinches first and turns around slowly. I throw a small bag at her and she catches it.

Me: Please use it wisely.

I then quickly hop on my bike and cycle away from them. Inside those small bag contains some medicine and bandages for them to use and there's also a few of candy to lighten up their day. It was actually for me, if I have injured myself or If I have a sudden sweet tooth. Basically, I don't want to encounter them again. It was really a pain in the a**. "Ughhh now I don't have much time to buy some food for me!...It's already this late and i have to search for a job". Getting frustrated.

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