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It's New Year's Eve.

We're about to enter a brand new year in just a few hours. I have so many things I want to let go of and start fresh this upcoming year.

I have one thing set on my New Years' resolution that I hope I can follow through with.

And that is becoming the boyfriend of Aliyia Grace.

Weird but I know what the feeling I've been feeling is now. And though she might not feel the same I'm sure if I keep pushing, maybe she'll someday feel something for me. Whether that takes days or months.

I like Aliyia Grace.

I really do.

And if I could just be her boyfriend right now I would be the happiest man alive.

I look at the bracelet on my hand, the one Ali gave me for Christmas. Ever since I put it on, it hasn't left my hand. Same with the necklace I bought her. It seems like she hasn't taken it off since I put it on her. You don't know how happy that makes me.

"Zayden, just to let you know everyone's meeting downstairs in an hour!" I hear my stepdad's voice from behind the door.

I shout back loud enough in response, "Okay!"

I like my stepdad. A lot.

He's treated me like his biological son ever since the day I met him. We've gotten into arguments and all that but he did what a reasonable father would do. First, they would give their son some space for a while, then they would sit down with them, talk it out and hug it out.

They would not yell at their not even a teenager son telling him he's a "stupid fucking idiot" and all the shit you should never tell a child.

My stepdad has never missed any of my hockey games without a good reason and proof. Yes, he showed proof.

Unlike a certain someone who would never show up to my hockey games and while every child ran up to their parents after a game, I would sit down on the bench because my mother couldn't make it and my father was always absent.

Not that it matters anymore. I don't care anymore.

I don't care because that man is no longer my father. He's no longer the father who made me feel like I was drowning and every time I tried seeking out the top I would plunge deeper into the water into an endless cycle of suffocating.



"Fifteen minutes everyone!" Lukas's dad announces, handing the adults a glass of champagne.

We're all huddled up standing in the living room talking among ourselves while watching the timer on the tv.

Aurora approaches me, her champagne glass being held in one hand. "Zayden, do you have feelings for my sister?"

Oh wow, going straight into it.

I tilt my head trying to keep my eyes from looking at Ali. "Why?"

"Because you look at her a lot, you're always smiley when she's around, you took her and only her to a convenience store and bought her something on Christmas, and you bought her a five hundred dollar necklace she's been wanting for Christmas," she said, her eyes focused on her champagne glass. "Could it be any more obvious?"

Well, I didn't know she was that observant. "And if I do?" I challenge.

"You're making it seem like I'm the overprotective sister," she pauses, taking a swig out of her champagne before speaking. "I don't care at all but just don't hurt her. Respect her boundaries and don't try to push her to do things she doesn't want to do. And I'm being dead serious Zayden, don't fucking hurt her."

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