19 | Packing

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For whatever reason, I can't stop looking at the notes I found a few weeks ago. Aliyia still isn't aware I'm someone from her past.

I've been thinking of throwing hints to her so she can realize but that could also backfire. I know she has notes too, we promised to keep them with each other forever.

It's probably hidden away somewhere because I know she wouldn't break her promise that easily. Especially with someone who cherishes her so dearly.

Once I get her to figure it out, I wonder what she'll do. What if she gets angry at me for not telling her, she's always been the type of person to get mad for that. Only time will tell.

"Zayden snap out of it, we're at the mall now" Ali waves in my face. Guess I zoned out.

"I still can't believe you bought us tickets to fucking Hawaii!" Tate exclaims, exiting the car.

"Right, we can tan so much!" Ali exclaims as well.

Ali and Tate start rushing into the mall and heading to their favorite stores, leaving me and Lukas trailing behind them.

At this point, they are just dragging us around because we've been here for an hour and only the girls have bought items.

Mainly bathing suits, tees, shorts, and jewelry. They are also making us carry around their shopping bags as they continue shopping. For whatever reason, they keep on calling us whipped for this. I don't what it is with Ali and calling me whipped.

That's not true, I'm whipped for nobody but myself. Does that even make sense?

"Ladies, can we go shop for ourselves too?" Lukas groans, running his fingers through his hair.

"No," Tate says bluntly, not even glancing back at her boyfriend and focusing on the clothes in front of her on the rack.

"Can't you guys carry your stuff? We came here for us too" I say back furrowing my eyebrows in frustration.

Ali glances at me before speaking. "Fine, let us go to a few more stores then we'll let you guys shop"

A few more stores? They've been to practically all of them already. Lukas groans and sits on the couch beneath us.


The ladies finally let us hit up a couple of stores before we're all heading back to the car. "Whose house are we packing at?" I ask, getting into the passenger seat beside Lukas.

"Mine" Lukas replies, starting up his car.

"What about our suitcases?" Ali questions, scrolling through her phone. Her voice is soft and much less energetic than before.

"I have lots of them at my house, you can pack the rest of your stuff at home"

Ali nods and goes back to her phone. We did more shopping than we should've today, the trunk of the car can barely fit all the bags.

I'm the first one to exit the car as we pull up to Lukas's driveway. Lukas opens the trunk and everyone takes a portion of the bags before entering his house.

I'm pretty sure Ali has never been to his house before because once we enter she starts looking around like crazy.

Barking can be heard from the distance as it becomes louder.

Presh, Lukas's dachshund dog comes running straight to us and goes straight to Ali. Presh starts smelling Ali like crazy and starts licking her leg. Ali sets the bags down and bends down to pet Presh. She starts laughing a little when Presh licks her hand.

Her laugh, I wish I could listen to it forever. I always have to cherish and absorb her laugh because as quickly as it comes, it leaves just like that and she goes mute.

Ali isn't much of a talker around other people but around us, she shows so much of her true herself. I wish she could express her true herself around others.

Presh leaves us alone and lets us go up to Lukas's room.

Lukas gives each of us an extra suitcase to pack with. It's a smaller one since the trip isn't that long and we have other ones at home to use. This one is just for the clothing we bought today.

"Play some music," Tate tells her boyfriend who's folding a pair of shorts.

Lukas sets up his speakers and then blasts a Bruno Mars playlist. The guy has taste.

The girls start screaming the lyrics to "that's what I like" causing a chain reaction from me and Lukas as we both start screaming it with the girls.

We must've been way too distracted with singing because we did five percent packing and ninety-nine percent singing.

Ali suddenly stops singing and calms herself down before clearing her throat. "Guys we should finish packing first, I have to get home soon"

Everyone agrees and continues packing while singing softly.

Our flight is in two days and I've never been happier. I'm spending my Christmas break with the people I love most.

Second to my family of course.

Authors Note

This chapter is actually so boring I'm sorry LMAO anyways I've been gaining a lot more reads and I just wanna say I'm very grateful that this book is growing so quickly. I really hope I can fulfill your love story needs 🫣

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