31 | Onesies

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God, everything about Ali is so perfect. I can't stop thinking about how she held me in her arms last night. I can't stop thinking about how she kissed my head and held me till I fell asleep.

Emphasis on the kissing my head part.

She left my room a while ago after we watched Elf. When she left my room I felt empty. Not a depressing empty but an empty where I missed her touch.

I wish what happened last night could happen every night. Without the crying, of course, just the part where she held me close. And did I mention her kissing my head?

There's a knock on my door and I jolt up in excitement, hoping it's who I see it is. When I open the door I see Lukas standing there with an idiotic grin on his face.

I look at his grinning face with confusion. "What's up?" I dab him up.

Boy greetings.

"Remember those unicorn and Pikachu onesies we bought a while back ago?" He asks, letting himself into my room and plopping down on the bed.

Lukas and I bought two unicorn onesies and two Pikachu onesies a few days before our flight to Hawaii. The girls don't know about it, we wanted to surprise them with onesies but I never thought it would be this soon.

"Yeah? What about them?" I plop down beside him. "Why don't we give it to the girls tonight? That way we can all wear them tomorrow while we open presents and all that." Lukas says, his eyes scanning my room a little.

Hmm, sounds like a plan. "Alright but how exactly are we going to pick who gets which onesie?" I ask him.

The grin on his face expands. "We don't. I'm gonna take the unicorn ones with my girlfriend and you can take the Pikachu ones with Aliyia. That way we can match with our girls."

I almost choke on my spit when he referred to the girls as our girls. Aka, Tate being his girl, and Ali... being my girl.

Won't lie, I immediately started picturing Ali in both the unicorn and Pikachu onesie. And from what my imagination created, the Pikachu one fits her perfectly.

I pretend to think it over for a moment even though I wanted to scream out a yes. "Okay, we can do that," I tell him, seeing the smug look on his face. "We should do something like now. We haven't done much and we're in fucking Hawaii."

"Yeah, but Hawaii is probably another vacation to you considering you come here like every year and own a beach house." He's right. Don't want to sound spoilt or anything but it's true.

Hawaii was just another vacation to me. But I'm proud of it. Because all thanks to my mom we have this opportunity to come here every year. No thanks to that idiot who calls himself my father.

"Since we're going out, why not go out in our onesies? How cool would that be? Walking around where Pikachu and unicorn onesies in Hawaii! That could be a once-in-a-lifetime chance." Lukas tells me.

"Uh huh, anyways let's go out, inform the girls" Lukas scrunches up his nose when I say the word "inform" but doesn't say anything about it and simply nods.

Lukas gets up and makes a break for the door before stopping and turning to me, the smug grin on his face again. "I'll get Tate, you get Aliyia."

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