34 | Come With Me

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I'd be lying if I said I didn't spend half of my night thinking about that kiss. Like I could barely sleep, my mind just kept replaying that moment.

I'd also be lying if I said I didn't enjoy that kiss. That's the best kiss I've ever had and I've technically only had one with someone else. Someone who is not relevant to me anymore. Not that she ever was.

Just when I felt the slightest bit sleepy, my mom bursts into my room with a happy smile on her face. "Merry Christmas, my dear!" She practically shouts.

I try hiding how tired I am right now with a smile. "Merry Christmas, mom," I smile at her. "Get up, everyone's downstairs already," she says, the smile not leaving her face.

Christmas is my mother's favourite holiday. She gets overly excited about it every year. She's not even that fond of the gift aspect, mainly the time she spends with us. Christmas is one of the only days of the year that we spend the entire day with our mom.

Of course there is some over the year but with my hockey it's become difficult for the whole family to spend it together.

"Okay, I'll be down in a bit let me freshen up," I force myself out of the bed and make my way to the bathroom, shutting the door. I hear her say something along the lines of not taking too long.

I stare at myself in the mirror, admiring the pikachu onesie and the memories from last night. God, something is seriously wrong with me.

I shake away the thoughts and start washing my face. And as soon as my eyes shut close, I'm met with Ali standing in her pikachu onesie. Quickly drying my face I open my eyes and Ali isn't there. Holy, fuck, shit, am I hallucinating?

"Zayden!" I hear my mom yell from downstairs. Shit, I completely forgot I had to be downstairs. Rushing out of the bathroom, I grab my phone from my bed and head out of my room.

When I reach the main floor I see everyone seated on the couch, and some on the floor. Isn't this embarrassing?

My eyes meet Ali's who's seated beside Tate on the couch. I shoot her a smile and she looks away from me.

Uh oh?

I make my way to sit on the ground with Lukas and we do a bro handshake thing before someone speaks up. "When can we open presents?" My sister asks, her eyes focused on the packed presents under the tree.

"Patience, Summer" I tell her, rolling my eyes.

"Well we were planning on going to the beach first then open presents when we get back" My mom speaks up, breaking the silence.

That's actually a decent idea. Decent.

"Sounds good to me" Ali's dad says, wrapping his arms around his wife. Everyone agrees and we all break to our rooms to change.

Soon after, we all meet downstairs again. Preparing to walk down to the beach. I approach Ali who's putting on a pair of Nike Blazers, she's clearly having a hard time with that. Those shoes are no joke.

"Hi," I greet, watching her stand up after tying her shoe. "Hi," she says back, avoiding eye contact. I slightly drown at the fact she's somewhat avoiding me.

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