21 | Hawaii

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Hawaii. It's like my second home. Maybe third.

Only two hours of the flight to go. Not surprised that the airplane food is shit. It always is.

Ali is passed out asleep beside me. She's so adorable even when she sleeps. Bits of drool slowly become visible but randomly disappear.

I look away and stare at the beautiful cloudy sky before I hear a familiar voice speak. "Stop staring at me while I sleep, freak"

"Well good morning to you to sunshine"

"Fuck off"

A small laugh escapes from my lips as I turn my attention back to the cloudy sky. I receive a tap on the shoulder from someone who is not Ali.

I receive another tap and realize it's coming from behind. Not again. It's the blonde-haired girl. "Can I help you?"

"Yeah umm," she starts. "Are you dating that ugly chick beside you"

Before I can answer her Ali rises from her "slumber" and speaks for me. "Who the fuck are you calling ugly you gremlin,"

The blonde scoffs and snaps back. "Who else? You bitch."

Anger is written all over Ali's face as if she's been holding it in forever. "Are you trying to fight on a fucking airplane bitch because I seriously have no problem with doing that"

"Ali," I say trying to calm her down but she has a mind of her own and looks like she would take any type of reassuring at the moment.

"You don't know how long I've been waiting for this moment. It feels so fucking good to put a bitch in her place for once because she cannot keep her damn mouth shut. You have no right to go for another girl's man when it's been clear that they are in a relationship. So if I were you'd I'd back the fuck up before shit gets messy"


That shut the blonde up because she looks out her window not saying a word. Wait did she say we were in a relationship.

"In a relationship huh" I glance at her scowling face.

"Shut up, I said what I had to"

It suddenly hits me. Jealousy? "Are you jealous or something?"

"What the fuck, no way. She was bothering both you and me so what I did was reasonable,"

"Could be jealousy though"

"It wasn't jealousy, she's just annoying"

"I can hear you, y'know," the blonde says from behind me.

"Good!" Ali shoots back. "Great, now I can't sleep anymore,"

I can't stop thinking about the possibility of Ali being jealous of that blonde. Not to be that guy but in my eyes, Ali is the most beautiful blonde I've ever seen. No other girl can compare.

Not even the most beautiful blonde, the most beautiful girl I've ever seen in my seventeen years of living. My eyes are always on her and never want to drift away. The day Ali realizes I'm her childhood friend is one of the days I'm scared for.

She could hate me, be annoyed with me, or end up falling in love with me. Though I'm sure she's starting that stage because I certainly am.

Lukas has already suspected it multiple times during practice and the number of times he catches me staring at her whenever the group hangs out.

Everything about her is so fascinating. Her eyes were captivating, by far the most attractive feature of her lit-up face. Her smile will always come first though.
Some guys prefer the private parts of a female but those are the guys who never take the time to truly look at all the genuine features of a girl.

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