11 | Skating

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A week has passed by since we built our snowman, or should I say snowwoman. It still stands to this day in my front yard.

Parts of it are covered in extra snow that fell recently.

The group and I have gotten way closer within these last few weeks. Almost inseparable. Tate is the best person here.

She was the first person to welcome me to New York so I have a special place for her in my heart. And I guess Zayden too, although I've known and been closer to Tate for a longer amount of time.

I'm currently sitting in my art classroom, doodling a picture of a marvel character. I love marvel.

A knock on the classroom door filled the silence of the classroom.

Most people shot their heads at the door, waiting for the teacher to open it.

When the teacher opened the classroom door, a very tall tan man stood stiff with a bouquet of flowers in his hand. "I have flowers for" the man started to speak, pausing to read the note. "Aliyia Grace?"

What the hell.

Practically everyone turned to look my way. Some smirking, some with looks of jealousy, and some expressionless faces.

"That's me" I raised my hand.

The man made his way over to me after the teacher let him in, putting the flowers in my hand. "Who are these from?" I ask, looking at the card.

"I'm not sure, I was just told to deliver these flowers to you," he says, putting his hand in his pocket. His face was expressionless.

Who would send me flowers, and why?

"Oh, thank you" I smile, setting the flowers down on the table.

He nods and makes his way for the exit of the classroom. It killed me that Tate wasn't in this class with me. Attention was all I was getting right now. People kept looking back at me and whispering.

Like oh my gosh, just do your damn work man.


Good thing school flew by fast because I couldn't handle any more looks from all the jealous people.

Tate was so happy when she found out someone sent me flowers. For whatever reason she was jumping up and down, squealing.

I am curious myself on who sent me them, I want to thank them but I also want to ask them why they gave it to me out of all people.

Tate and I sat at the hockey rink bleachers. Zayden and Lukas had another practice today. The team's next upcoming game is next week so they've got a lot of extra practice.

Just like every other practice, Zayden would always take glances at me at any opportunity. I don't get it, he does that at every practice I come to.

Maybe he just likes looking at my face, honestly me too. Who wouldn't want to look at my face?

After practice, Tate embraced me in a hug before leaving with her boyfriend, Lukas. Apparently, they had a special date planned.

I want a love like theirs one day. My day will come, hopefully.

I noticed Zayden was still in the rink, circling it.

Standing from my seat, I make my way onto the rink being careful with each step. "What are you doing?" I ask, almost catching up with him.

"What does it look like? I'm skating." His response was sassy.


"But practice is over," I say, catching myself from slipping.


"Stop sassing me"

"I'm not"

"Yes you are"

"No, I'm not"

"You are"



"Shut up"

I smirk to myself knowing I won that. "I win," I say smiling right in his face. We always have 'arguments' like that and I always end up winning because he's whipped.

"This time," Zayden says rolling his eyes.

"All the time"

His eyes searched around, the rink before he started skating toward me.

With fear, I tried running away but I ended up slipping on the ice while doing so.

Luckily I was caught, right before smashing my face on the ice. Zayden used one had to hold my waist and the other to hold my arm.

"Screw you" I grip onto his hockey shirt.

Zayden started to laugh softly, his eyes mocking me. "You're fault"

"It's cause you started chasing me causing me to run, it's a natural response," I say, crossing my arms and facing the ice.

"Do you know how to skate?" He asks, a smile creeping onto his face.

"No, why?" I question, letting go of his shirt.

"I'll teach you, we have some spare skates I can give you to practice with"

"Why should I?"

"Because you suck at balancing with just your shoes, imagine using skates." His tone was confident.


"Fuck you"

"And also the school provides a trip to a skating rink every year so if you don't know to skate you're going to look like a fool." He says straight out, no hesitation in his voice.

"Fine, you're a bitch by the way" I admit, letting him guide me to where the shoes are.

He just shoots me that damn teasing smile again.

I'll severely hurt this guy if he kills me, ill make him cry and make him go to heaven and back.

Authors Note

Plz tell me u guys know heaven and back by chase atlantic☹️ that is my inspiration for that last line!

Anyways he's gonna teach her how to skate next chapter and it's gonna be rlly cute!🤭 hopefully🫣

My Notes To YouOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora