26 | Family

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Our families are coming today. I'm pretty sure they are on their last flight at the moment. They are most likely gonna arrive sometime at six pm so we decided to surprise them with dinner. Lukas is washing dishes, Tate and Ali are cooking the main course, and I'm in charge of the appetizers.

We went shopping a couple of hours before and got things we'd need for tonight and for some of our stay. I paid a good $236.67 for everything. Groceries do not come for cheap. But we did get a lot anyways.

"What's the main course, ladies?" Lukas asks, rinsing off one of the dishes.

The girls look at each other, a smile on both of their faces. "Well we were thinking pasta, it's a classic but you can never go wrong with it," Ali says, pushing Lukas to the side so she can put water in the pot.

Tate grabs a few boxes of pasta from the grocery bag and sets them on the counter. "What type of pasta did you guys get?" I ask.

Ali looks at me, her eyes dimmer than usual. "Rigatoni and Fettuccine, we're gonna serve both and they can eat whichever they want."

I hum and go through the bag to find ingredients for my mozzarella cheese. All I need is mozzarella cheese, eggs,  and bread crumbs. That's how I usually make them anyways, it's quick and easy.

Ali approaches me and looks over my shoulder."Need help? I'm waiting for the water to boil anyways" I turn my head to look down at her and smile at her. "Sure, can you cut the mozzarella into little squares?"

She nods and grabs a knife from the knife rack. As she's cutting the cheese I'm preparing the eggs, putting a couple of eggs into one bowl and mixing it up well. After, I pour the bread crumbs into a bowl.

As I'm pouring the crumbs into a bowl, I hear a yelp come from beside me. I turn my head to look for the sound and see Ali sucking on her finger.

"What happened?" I question, my eyes trailing from her finger in her mouth to the blood on the knife. It's not like it was a heavy amount of blood but it was more than there should be for a knife cut.

"I cut my finger" Ali looks at me, removing her finger from her mouth but still seeing blood gush out. Luckily my mom has a safety kit thing around the house. One time Summer was being stupid and almost chopped off her entire finger. I wish I was joking.

I bend down to open the cabinet below me and pull out an emergency kit. Might be a little too extra for a knife cut, but my mom always says "never risk it". I always follow those words.

I clear the space on the counter and tap on it, trying to signal her to sit on top. She doesn't get what I'm saying so I pick her up by the waist and set her on the countertop. "Let me take care of you,"

Reaching for the bag, I unzip it and take out swabs and rubbing alcohol. I pour some of the rubbing alcohol on one of the swabs and gently place it on Ali's cut.

She winces in pain and I stop to look at her before continuing. I can hear her breathing increase by the second. Her body is almost pressed against mine, a few centimeters keeping us apart.

I make sure to scan her expression carefully while cleaning her cut. Her eyes stare into mine while mine stares into hers, neither of us daring to say a word.

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