23 | Waves

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I have the best idea ever. I make my way back to the living room with my friends after getting a glass of cold water. "Guys we should go surfing" I share. Zayden glares at me, his eyes saying "seriously?".

"Why are you looking at me like that, Zayden?" I question even though I know the reason. He can't swim. Swimming at a beach is worse than swimming in a pool. Because if you drown there's a possibility nobody will find your body and you will just float away for eternity.

Zayden rolls his eyes and leans back on the couch. "Because I can't swim, and you know that" Tate starts chuckling but covers her mouth before she goes ballistic.

"Alright, ill teach you how to swim" I added, sitting down next to him. "You're going to kill me," Zayden says, crossing his arms and scooting away from me. He's overreacting. Why would I try and kill my best friend? Well, there are reasons but I would never do it in a public area.

"I'm not going to kill you. Not in a public place at least" I joked. "But anyways since Zayden doesn't want to, we should all go" I added, chugging the water.

"Hey! I never said I didn't want to go, I just don't know how to swim." Zayden scoffed. Oops, my bad. But he didn't make that clear.

"Oh, my bad. But won't it be boring? You should just let me teach you how to swim please" I begged, interlocking my fingers with each other and displaying a begging face.

He looks as if he's considering it for a moment. A concerned expression was written all over his face. He's probably contemplating risking his life just to have fun or stay dry and safe without the possibility of death.

"Fine" he sputtered. I accidentally let out a yelp of excitement. "Yay, we should go now it's best at night" Zayden looks at me like I'm crazy after I said that. "Are you kidding me? Why night? What if I drown? Can we just go in the morning?"

It's better at night because there's nobody to bother you. Not like people will bother us but it's still enjoyable. I've always been a fan of night swims. "Because night swims are fun!" I exclaim.

"But" Zayden starts but gets cut off by Tate. "Dude if you don't want to then stay behind but I'm definitely in" Lukas agrees with his girlfriend and Zayden is left defenseless.

He groans and runs a hand through his hair before talking once more. "Fine, but if I die I will make sure all of you get sued and that's a promise"

"Yeah, Yeah, whatever let's go get our swimsuits now," I say, jumping off the couch and running to the stairs. Once in my new room, I make my way to my suitcase on the ground.

I haven't had time to unpack since I've been out and about pretty much all day. I look around the suitcase, messing it up a little as I look for a swimsuit. I find a bright pink plain bikini. This will do it. After I pick a pair of jean shorts to wear on top of the bottoms.

Perfect. I double-check myself in the mirror before turning off the lights and closing the room door. Coincidentally we all come out of our rooms at the same time. We are living in some movie I swear.

"It's beach time baby!" Lukas shouts, holding the waist of his girlfriend. I wish someone would hold my waist like that. Zayden moves closer to me and whispers something in my ear. "You know that could be us."

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