03 | First Day

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Today is my first day at my new school. I'm really nervous.

I have social anxiety too so that clearly won't help.

It was hard enough making friends at my old school, now I have to attempt to make friends at the biggest high school in the city.

I hate Mondays.

Anyways, I get up from my set-up blanket on the ground and take a boiling hot shower.

I walked to my closet and pick out a white cropped shirt, blue baggy jeans, and a red zip-up to go on top.

Paired with black converse and silver jewelry.

All our home materials are arriving tomorrow evening, so we have to improvise with the blankets we brought.

Makeup. I don't know how I really feel about it but I do put it on a lot. It just makes me feel even more prettier than I already am.

Although I have social anxiety and all that shit, if someone really pisses me off I might just have something to say.

My backpack was just a plain black bag. I have the choice to use a tote bag or an actual backpack but considering it's my first day and who knows how much work they'll give me, I'll take my backpack.

"Aliyia we gotta go!" Aurora yells from the first floor of our new home.

"Coming" I yell back, grabbing my bag and phone.

The car ride there was just silenced. Nothing but the wind and other cars making noise. It wasn't a bad silence, as much as I hate to admit it I feel comfortable with my sister.

"You're gonna be fine, trust me" Aurora speaks as she makes a right turn.

I simply nod in return.

Aurora has to go to a brand new college too, I should comfort her but I've never really been good at comforting people. I just can never find the right words.

We pull up at the school, and I'll just say it looks way bigger than what it shows on google maps.

I feel like I'm gonna shrink seeing the people in there.

Everyone who walked by were already in friend groups so I doubt anyone would let me join theirs.

"Good luck," Aurora says as I exit the car.

"You too" I respond, shutting the car door and walking into the building.

Large ass hallways.

After checking in with the office and receiving my timetable, I make my way to my locker.

I feel like I'm in a teenage movie because there are literally two people making out right beside my locker.

Get a room.

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