13 | Waffles

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I woke up to vigorous knocking on my door. Except it wasn't my door, not even my bedroom. It was quite larger and less decorated.

I was sleeping on a large king bed, and a giant figure was passed out next to me.

Zayden was drooling in his sleep. He was facing me with one hand under his pillow and the other laid on my waist. Weird.

It took me one whole long minute to process everything that happened yesterday. We had hot chocolate, binged a few movies, then I assume we both passed out in the process.

The knock on the door became louder and more aggressive. Zayden didn't look like he was gonna wake up from an aggressive knock, so I gently stood up trying not to wake him up from his peaceful sleep.

Tiptoeing to the door, I open it and see a younger girl who was about one inch shorter than me. She gave me a confused look, probably wondering who I am.

"Who are you?" She questions, trying to look past the door to see a still passed-out Zayden. "Are you his girlfriend?" She asked, a little excitement in her voice.

"No no I'm Zaydens friend, I accidentally fell asleep here last night" I responded a little awkwardly. All I received was a mouthed "oh" from her.

"I'm Summer, his little sister" she introduces herself and pauses waiting for me to introduce myself.

"I'm Aliyia, Zayden calls me Ali so you can too if you want"

"Well nice to meet you, Ali. Tell Zayden when he wakes up that he promised to drive me to the mall with my friends today"

"Okay, see you later Summer" I wave her off and shut the door, locking it.

I lay back down on the bed, facing away from Zayden on my phone. Somehow, a warm hand snuck its way onto my waist, holding it for their dear life.

"Zayden" I whisper feeling him shift closer, hand still on my waist.

"Ali" he groans.

"Wake up" I demand, getting another groan from him as he nuzzles his head in the back of my neck.

"Five more minutes" he lets out, holding onto my waist tighter.

"Five more minutes." I smile, returning to my phone.


Exactly five minutes later I force Zayden out of his bed receiving groans and moans while doing so. He's finally sat up in his bed, eyes half-closed.

"Why are you waking me up so early" his morning voice speaks.

His morning voice is quite attractive. Not that low but it's way lower than his regular voice. His regular voice is already low enough.

"Because I wanted to" I give him a teasing smile.

"I don't like when you tease me" he complains, crossing his arms with his sleepy eyes.

"Wake up" I demand again, clapping my hands in his face.

"Fine, fine," he says opening his eyes fully. Good.

"Do you want something to eat?" He asks rising from his bed and heading to his washroom to wash his face.

"Yes, what are the options?"

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