15 | Pool

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I'm excited to go swimming. I got a new bikini a few weeks ago. Zayden looked a little hesitant when I asked him to go swimming.

We had to make another stop at both our houses to collect our swimming gear, and now we're on our way to pick up Tate and Lukas. Tate is hanging out with Blake so we kinda crashed them but they didn't seem to mind.

Zayden honks the car horn when we pull up to Tate's house. Two seconds later she comes rushing out of her house, Lukas behind her with a bag that she probably made him carry.

"Hi, Lia" Tate greeted as she entered the car, sitting directly behind me.

"Hi, Tate" I greet her back cheerfully.

"What pool are we going to? Lukas asks, buckling up Tate's seatbelt for her, then buckling up his own.

"Not sure of the name but it's in the south," Zayden replies, moving his hands on the steering wheel so majestically.

When my father told me we were moving here I was excited. I should've been excited since I've wanted to live here since I was a kid but the thought of leaving all my "friends" and all the memories I made there made me want to stay.

I wish I listened when adults would say "cherish every moment of your childhood" because now I wish I could relive it.

But now I'm sort of glad we moved here. Not so much but I've made a friend group already, and not to mention this place is just wonderful.

I love it here.


Just the outside of the building was already big, I can't imagine how big it is inside.

Another thing about me is I love swimming. I'm a naturally good swimmer. My parents just threw me in a pool one day and I just picked up the ability ever since.

My thought was correct. It is indeed bigger on the inside. There were many pool sections and each of them was so big.

Tate and I head into the ladies' change room while Lukas and Zayden went into the men's change room. Minutes later we all arrive out of the change rooms at the same moment. Coincidence.

"Ali, come here for a sec" Zayden gestured to me, as we walked away from Tate and Lukas.

"What's up?"

"Well um" he starts. He looks like he can't find the words of what he's going to say next. "I like, can't swim" he whispers.

I stare at him blankly as he returns the same expression to me. I would show remorse but instead, I just burst out laughing in his face. Yes, it's mean, but yes I will continue.

"It's not funny" Zayden pouts.

That's so adorable, he's this sunshine but grumpy guy at school yet he can't swim? My days here keep getting better and better.

"You're right," I say, trying to keep my face blank. "It's hilarious"

"I was never taught, okay?"

"I was never taught either, my parents just threw me in a pool and forced me to swim. Maybe I should do that to you." I laugh.

"I'm a grown man, you can't just throw me in a pool," Zayden says, confidence in his voice.

"Grown man? We might need to work on your terms for yourself, they need to be more accurate"

Zayden flips me off and walks away, returning to Lukas and Tate.

Absolutely hilarious. You would think he would know how to swim based on his looks and personality yet he cannot.

Hope he at least knows how to doggy paddle.


We've been swimming for about twenty minutes now and Zayden remains in the kiddy pool. From what I saw he made friends with a little girl and now they're splashing each other like little kids. Well, it's probably normal for her to splash like a little kid considering she is one, but it's adorable to see Zayden doing it as well.

When Zayden told Tate he couldn't swim, she laughed hard in his face which then rose my
laughter again from the grave.

And ever since he's been sitting in the kiddie pool,
looking like a loner. Maybe I should approach him
and comfort him? Such a whipped thing to do, to be honest, but oh well.

I quickly exit the deep end of the pool and make my way toward the kiddie pool. Zayden is still playing with that little girl.

"Hey" I speak, entering the cold kiddie pool.

Zayden looks up from the little girl and meets my eyes. His eyes fall to my hair, then my eyes, then back to my hair, then my eyes again.

"Your hair is brown," he says, letting his eyes fall back to my hair.

"Oh, it just does that every time I swim. It lets me be a brunette for less than an hour too, isn't that cool?" I chuckle.

"Sucks because I like your blonde hair, but honestly I'd like to see you with brunette hair." He shrugs, touching my hair. "Anyways this is Evelyn, my new best friend"

My jaw falls into the deep end. Ouch, calling this pretty little girl his best friend cuts deeper than a knife. But I play it cool anyways.

"Hi Evelyn I'm Aliyia, Zayden's old best friend"

Evelyn shoots me a wide grin then goes back to splashing Zayden. As they're splashing each other Zayden points at me and soon they're both splashing me.

"Oh, it's on" was all that left my mouth before I started splashing both of them twice as quickly as they did to me.

I stopped splashing for a moment and tried to scan the pool for Lukas and Tate, only to find them making out in a hot tub. Never mind.

Never thought in my first weeks of being in New York I would be splashing a little girl and a teenager named Zayden Gryant. I honestly would have laughed in your face if you told me that would be my future. But here it is.

Authors Note

I'm thinking of making that little girl Evelyn have at least one or two appearances in the book. Let me know.

Anyways it's finally summer for me (school ended on the 29th) so expect more content, or not bc I might actually have a life this summmer🤭

But my goal for this summer is to finish this book! I might also private my other book because it's really boring and I want to focus on this.

Plus I have a series in mind that I want to write but I'm going to finish this first. So hopefully we can expect the first book of the series I want to write in the fall.

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