Part 1

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"If you need to disappear, I know the right person for the job," Caleb spoke.

The gruff voice that answered seemed cold and calculating. "How much?" 

I huffed, hidden behind the drapes. "More than you have," I mumbled under my breath, confident that he couldn't hear me. 

"It will be done as a favor. No charge this time. Just... know that we're even." 

There was a long silence, and I checked my gun one last time. 

Caleb had called me the previous day, telling me about a potential job. He didn't tell me who it concerned or any details. All he told me was that he needed to cash in his favor and that there was a man who needed to disappear from the face of the earth—my specialty. 

"Okay," the gruff voice answered, and I stood up and walked out from behind the drapes. The man sitting next to Caleb was tall, even sitting down. His brown hair was in a messy mop on his head, and it was apparent that he hadn't given it much effort. His eyes were dark, and he seemed to assess my every move. 

"Willow Price," Caleb introduced me. 

My hair was parted in two tight French braids that held the hair away from my face. I was wearing cargo pants and a military green tank top, showing my muscular arms riddled with tattoos. I didn't move a muscle when the man's dark eyes met mine. "Willow, this is John Winchester." 

"That's just a young girl, Caleb," John told him disappointedly. Caleb shook his head.

"John, I'm telling you. Willow is the best there is."

"She done any tours?" He asked, noting my militarylike appearance.

I bared my teeth, annoyed to be spoken over and not addressed directly. Caleb shot me a look as if knowing what went through my head.

"No, but she might as well have. She has the training and the skills. She grew up in the life. Smart as the devil and tougher than nails."

John Winchester stood up, showing his full size. He towered over me, and I bet that he was strong as ten men, but you know what they say; the bigger they are, the harder they fall. "You ever hunted a demon before?" He asked me, walking closer. 

I looked up at him, noting how he smelled like gunpowder and whiskey. He was definitely a seasoned hunter. 

"I'll do you one better," I smirked at his unwavering gaze. "I've killed one." 

John's demeanor changed. He glanced back to Caleb, suddenly insecure. Caleb nodded, ensuring I was telling the truth. 

"How?" John demanded to know. 

"I don't tell my secrets to strangers," I snarled in my hoarse voice. Did he really think he'd get answers that easily? I noticed the twitch in the corner of his eye and prepared myself. He went to grab my arms, but I ducked and landed a kick on the back of his knees, forcing him to fall to the ground. "If this is how you treat your associates, then I can take my business elsewhere."

"Price," Caleb warned me. "John, I'm telling you, trust her." 

The impressed look the grumpy man gave me made me straighten my back. I extended a hand to him, and he took it, allowing me to help him up. I liked the fact that the takedown didn't bruise his ego. 

"If we are going to do this, we will do it my way," I informed him with a steady voice. "Think you can take orders from me?" 

John looked over to Caleb once again before nodding my way. "Yes." I grinned as he straightened his back. 

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